15-year-old immigrant struck


Tonight around 19:00, a 15-year-old girl was struck in the face by a non-European citizen in the Vasto district of Naples. The incident occurred while the 15-year-old girl was in the company of her mother in Corso Novara. Suddenly, the non-EU criticized violence against young people, it seems, for no reason. On the spot came the help of 118 to look after the girl, who fortunately did not report serious trauma. The Carabinieri investigate the case

The same girl commented on the incident, which in the company of his mother was filmed through a video without showing his face. The young woman tells how much she suffered: "We were walking and suddenly he hit me in the face – he explained – he threw me to the ground and shouted bad words in his tongue. I did not know him in person, but only because he lived in the neighborhood and I had already seen him sometimes. "

The incident was also seen through social media with a video." For a long time, the inhabitants of Vasto document via Facebook video-complaints and photos of the daily explosive situation in the neighborhood. The incident tonight, in fact, is only the last of a long series of episodes of violence.

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