17-year-old man walks 32 km to work, boss gives him his car


17-year-old man walks 32 km to work, the boss gives him his aut
A very unique and moving story that comes from Alabama and that has as a protagonist a young person of 17 years who really seems to do

One day the boss who learned this story decided to give him a great gift and he gave him a car. He is called Walter Carr, he is 17 years old and one day he stayed on foot because your car abruptly broke and this prevented him from appearing the first day of work but rather than losing his appointment, he left at midnight then arrives at the woman who was supposed to help her to move.

The young man walked 32 km. Fortunately, there are still people in the world who are kind and available to help others. On the way In fact, the 17-year-old seems to have met a policeman who gave him a ride for most of the trip and another officer warned by the first would offer him breakfast and would ring the bell of the lady

The young man will tell his difficult story, namely to have lost the house with Hurricane Katrina and moved to New Orleans in Alabama, but that after paying the rent, he found himself without a penny And by the time he got the job his car broke down. In short, a whole series of unhappy people who were angry at the young boy who did not give up and entrusted his strength to reach and go to the first day of work. Ms. was very moved by this story and posted all her story on facebook and among the readers there seems to be just the owner of the company for which the youth of seventeen had to start working.

The day after the boss gave a Ford Escape at the age of seventeen, a car owned by him, but that he considered more useful in the hands of young people rather than in his. Inevitably, he became viral and the lady who launched an internet fundraiser to help the young man. A few days ago, bids came in at about $ 61,804 from 1,597 people. "Every hard job you do pays off in the long run," added the young Carr, deeply moved by so much solidarity.

Updated: July 19, 2018 at 20:05

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