200,000 euros fine to the OCR for an error on Romeo and Juliet


The error of Ocr (Oxford, Cambridge and Rsa Examinations) that confuses Montecchi and Capuleti in the test of English literature is expensive. All this happens in Great Britain at the session of Gse (our maturity). The conviction, a year later, condemns the institution to pay a fine of 175 thousand pounds, a little less than 200 thousand euros. OCR is the most important body for the preparation (and subsequent correction) of bankruptcy tests [VIDEO] and school exams. Its experts come from the main English universities, including that of Cambridge, Oxford and the same Royal Society of Arts .

The Question

Forgetfulness concerns a theme about Romeo and Juliet the most famous work of Shakespeare in the world.

Trace: " How does Shakespeare present the manner in which Tybalt's hatred of Capulets influences the outcome of the coin?" (19459011) "(" How does Shakespeare present the ways in which Tibaldo's hatred for Capulets influences the epilogue of the work? ") Tybalt – or Tibaldo – n & # 39, has nothing to do with the "hate" mentioned above, being itself a member of the Capulets.The question has a meaning if the name of Romeo is substituted for Romeo, Montecchi . [19659003] Controversies

The official apology came shortly afterwards, with more than 14,000 students involved, left out of the incongruity of the quiz, and the committee, for its part, blamed it, influencing the results. in a more or less arbitrary way, from which the critics of the professors: for some the examiners were also indulgent .

Several candidates exploited it to their advantage, benefiting from 39, a better result than expected.It is estimated that at least 2,735 votes were awarded by skipping the trace of understanding.

The fine

Nothing could get around the mistake: the sanction was notified in recent days, with the hype and the reactions of the professionals (also Italian) . An exemplary sanction, that imposed on the OCR, intended to incite the contracting authorities to a greater rigor. And this year? No problem … except the usual ones. The protests are not lacking because of the great difficulty of the trials [VIDEO] because Shakespeare, which is at the forefront of literature across the Channel, is not lacking. Also present Tibaldo: the evolution of the character is the central theme of the new essay . Regarding the lineage, however, it should be left out.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.corriere.it/scuola/maturita/notizie/maturita-2018-commissione-inciampa-romeo-giulietta-multa-200-mila-euro-ca44127c-812e-11e8-98a9-8f8934803a67.shtml
  • https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/exam-board-fined-175k-over-12838462 https://www.orizzontescuola.it/esami-200mila-euro-di- fine-for-a-question-false-on-romeo-e-giulietta /

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