2018 car tax exemption for LPG and other cars. And the consumers of Vercelli and Novara get the victory


The long-running vehicle tax battle between the consumers of Novara and Vercelli against the Piedmont region was a major victory thanks to the series of important achievements in the tax area. The theme is that, certainly not new, of the prescription of the automobile tax that the law fixes in three years. But despite this, the regional body has continued to send, even beyond this threshold, the hated collection of taxpayers to Piedmontese taxpayers through the Soris Spa collection agency.

This decision is based on an extension, contained in a regional measure, which postpones to five years necessary to trigger prescription. Eco explained the important conquest that the citizens of Novara and Vercelli got.

Car stamp the important conquest of Novaresi and Vercelli

On the conditions in which the prescription with regard to possible missed payments of the car tax "important conquest of Novara and Vercelli was possible through the action of Federconsumatori who has always shared the most favorable thesis to the taxpayer by invoking the three-year limitation period provided for by an ordinary law of the state and not the five-year period. The Provincial Tax Commission of Turin confirmed this orientation in more than twenty evaluations. That is, the motor vehicle limitation period is set at three years from January 1st of the following year to the payment of the tax

BUT not in five years as the tax. imposes the regional law. The tax courts have indeed espoused the arguments of Federconsumatori that take over the direction of the Court of Cbadation already pronounced in this direction. In particular, taxpayers involved in recent decisions, have turned to the counter of Federconsumatori of Novara and Vercelli, showing the payment orders notified by Soris Spa, relating to the car stamps for the years 2010, 2011, 2012. Despite the claims in self-defense Formulated by the Association, in the hope of avoiding legal disputes, before the rejection of tax authorities, the Piedmont Region and the Soris Spa Collestor ente, investors had only to proceed by asking for the cancellation of the tax. With the decision of the twenty-fifth of July, the Provincial Tax Commission of Turin rejected the defense of the Region of Piedmont, accepting the petitions of Federconsumatori for the joy of Novara and Vercelli

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