28-day bills are abolished, refunds are due by 2018


28-day bills were banned by law and no longer exist. But the repayments still have to come for the victims victims of this commercial practice of the telephone companies that have received so many calls and who have finally been arrested. The compensation, finally, should happen (if the calls allow) directly in the bill before December 31 of this year, in the form of days to recover or even with other solutions, such as special offers. To decide on this, after many complicated legal steps, Agcom, who highlighted the "significant profits" made by companies with the so-called Thirteenth Bill.

The Telecommunications Authority, which had sanctioned companies for 1 16 million euros at the end of last year, including related transfers since April, had to return to the record after Latium TAR has repeatedly suspended these resolutions in the reimbursements section, considering the schedule too close and inviting a comparison between the parties to find a solution. The comparison took place, both with the operators and with the consumer badociations, and Agcom made its decision. By December 31, 2018, the controlling entity, Tim, Vodafone, Wind Tre and Fastweb, will have to repay in the bill "illegally eroded days to users following the 28-day billing of fixed-line offers." , also of convergent type ". The calculation of the days of service that each operator must recognize in the invoice must cover the period from 23 June 2017 to the date on which billing was re-established every month, which coincides, so to speak, with the conditions established by the Commission. law. of stability, with which the practice was banned, that is to say the beginning of April.

The refund of the unfairly billed amount can also occur in multiple invoices and not only in the form of days, in total has kept the same operator: essentially, managers will have to postpone the invoice start date for a number of days. days equal to those illegally eroded. The other option proposed is that of "alternative solutions" (in practice, discounts, benefits, gifts, etc.) that can be offered to individual customers by notifying the same Authority. Of course, the comment of consumer badociations, who sing "victory", is positive.

Difficult, however, to say how much this solution will cost businesses, since the rates and consumption are the most diverse.
The Codacons, in the past, had nevertheless pushed to estimate the amount necessary to repay the whole of 500 million euros.

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