30 boys forced to return from London to Milan by bus


They arrived in the afternoon of Sunday in Magenta with three mini-van the thirty teenagers who were stranded at London Stansted airport since Thursday afternoon for unexplained problems at the airport. Ryanair plane that would have brought them back to Italy after two weeks of vacation in England

First mistake immediately after boarding: two hours of waiting aboard the plane and l 39; Announcement of the cancellation of the departure, with the motivation of the lack of personnel. Ryanair got everyone out of the plane by offering a room in the hotel for the night between Thursday and Friday, promising that the next day the flight would leave.

So, Friday afternoon, the party again embarked on the plane. disembark because of lack of land staff. And here the unbelievable happened: the boys, unlike the previous night, remained at the mercy of themselves (remember we are talking about a group of minors) and were obliged to spend the night between Friday and Saturday at the airport. 19659004] And Saturday the parents decided to take control of the situation organizing the return by road, with three mini van for all . Thus, the Mercedes minibuses found the group and, crossing the Channel, faced a journey of about 20 hours from London to Magenta to bring everyone back. It's a bet that a compensation will be sought for this odyssey.

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