"383 municipalities remained without branches" – Repubblica.it


MILAN – The cut of bank branches in Italy is not stopped, under the pressure dictated by the need to reduce costs to recover profitability and changes in the habits of customers. In seven years, there are 6,289 fewer, with "383 municipalities remained totally without banks"

This is revealed by a survey of the first union Cisl that "network staff fell on the period of more than 26 thousand units ". For the secretary Giulio Romani "the top managers justify the abandonment of the territory with the advance of digital, but it is a pretext, because the pace of closures at the end of 2010 was 18.7% against a decrease in access to agencies only 7.5 %.They aim to reduce costs. "

The remaining marginal areas, inhabited by an older population, are forced to keep more money in home and that the risks open the way to petty crime: the social problem is clearly underestimated. "

According to the union," the impact on the local economy is also underestimated: seven years ago, there were 7.6 branches per 1,000 companies, now they are only 6.2 In some case, the closures are incomprehensible: for example, since last year Calice al Cornoviglio, in Liguria, has no banking service despite the region, the Val di Vara, became famous as the valley of the Biological "

If we look at the report, we can see that in northwestern Italy the municipalities served by bank branches are 1,923 in 2017 with a decrease of 4,6% compared to 2010, in North-East Italy 1,258 (-7%) and in central Italy 786 (-6,2%) while in the South there are 1,556 (-8,5%) with peaks of -9.3% in the islands. "The most impressive data – stresses the director of the First Cisl Research Office, Riccardo Colombani – are that more than a quarter of the branches lost in the last seven years were closed in 2017. At the end of 2010, there were 33,663 bank branches, on December 31, they fell to 27,374 and 1,653 closures were concentrated in 2017. In one year, we went from 48 to 45 branches per 100,000 people. If you continue at this rate in a couple of decades, there will not be any physical presence of banks in the territory anymore. "

First Cisl
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