42 million went from reception to repatriation


Matteo Salvini closes the taps to welcome fans. In fact, 42 million euros of immigration funds have been transferred from the "reception" heading to the "repatriations" heading. A movement that serves, on the one hand, to starve the red cooperatives and the "good" who, in recent years, have earned money on the reception of immigrants in Italy. "What has been a case that has enriched some on the shoulders of many – announced the Minister of the Interior at a press conference – is now becoming investment in the Security and Repatriation ". The announcement comes at a joint press conference with Libya's deputy chairman of the presidential council, Ahmed Maitig. The hold on the funds for the receipt goes precisely in the direction of a road that Salvini wanted to trace since he took office in the Viminale. If on one side it closes the Italian ports so as not to allow the international NGOs to download every day several hundreds of desperate people who try the Mediterranean way to reach the Old Continent, on the other hand try to put order in the country repatriations. For this reason, instead of allocating pacts from money as the left did it to Palazzo Chigi, to accommodate immigrants who, in 60% of the cases, n '# 39; are entitled to any form of protection, Salvini thinks to reinforce the funds to repatriate those who can not stay in Italy

The 42 million euros, recovered from the "reception" of the funds for the immigration [19659003] will be used for voluntary repatriation from Italy to Libya and, hence, from there to other countries of origin of immigrants. For Salvini the goal is that "you will not get a single woman or a child on a rubber boat or a boat, you will get there by plane, maybe even first clbad, but not with boats ". "In these hours – the owner of the Viminale presses to point out – there is no more pseudo-ship humanitarian organizations outside Libyan waters" . As for the migrants who landed in Italy in the last hours, one party has already been excluded and the rest will be next Monday.

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