450 migrants transferred to Frontex finances and ships. Where will they go now?


  450 migrants transferred to Frontex finances and ships. Now where will they go?


Migrants arriving in Italy

  • 9:00 am There is no one on board the boat that arrived at night 5 miles from Linosa. At the first light of dawn, the patrol boat "Protector" (Frontex device) and the "Monte Sperone", a ship of the Guardia di Finanza, recover respectively 176 and 266 migrants. Transhipment operations have recently been completed. Eight people, including women and children, were transferred for health reasons with a coast guard patrol boat on the island of Lampedusa. 450 migrants traveled on the boat.
  • 8:17 Two hundred and sixty of the migrants going to Sicily were transhipped to a unit of the Guardia di Finanza, the "Monte Sperone", about fifty on one of the Coast Guard units while A hundred they stayed on the houseboat. This is what is learned from the sources of the Ministry of the Interior. Four people will be transported to Lampedusa to receive medical treatment: among them, a pregnant woman.
  • 7:30 am Matteo Salvini has hypothesized to use a military ship to load immigrants and set sail for Malta. Bring them back and have them land where, according to the Italian Minister of the Interior, they should have docked yesterday. According to Corriere della Sera, it is the idea that Salvini "entrusted to the collaborators at the end of a long nervous day that saw him regretted, disappointed that" the Italian success "brought back in Innsbruck was eclipsed by the political tsunami on the ship Eighteen ", writes Corriere. Bringing migrants back by force, it is the last idea, arrived at the end of a complex day, which saw the largest number of migrants (450) coming from Libya to the Italian coasts.
  • 7:00 During the night, the fishing boat entered the Italian territorial waters, first directed to Lampedusa, then to Sicily. The migrants were on board the fishing boat to choose to go to Lampedusa. Maltese government spokesman Kurt Farrugia was retweeted in turn by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat

1/3 MRCC Rome informed the RCC #Malta about the presence of a fishing vessel about 450 migrants on board. The ship was about 53NM from Lampedusa, 110NM from Malta. They were wanted to proceed to #lampedusa . pic.twitter.com/D0OxaxIYdb

– Kurt Farrugia (@KurtFarrugia) July 13, 2018

"The coordination center of Rome's emergency response – reads it – has notified the Malta rescue center the presence of the ship with about 450 migrants on board when the ship was about 53 miles from Lampedusa and 110 from Malta contacted, the people on board said that they wanted to proceed to Lampedusa ".

2/3 The ship was on the high seas. RCC #Malta did not have the power to give him instructions. The vessel has been monitored for immediate badistance if necessary. The boat is now in #Italy waters as for the attached map.

– Kurt Farrugia (@KurtFarrugia) 13 July 2018

"The fishing vessel was on the high seas and the coordination center in Malta did not have the power to give him instructions", explained government spokesperson in a second tweet. Maltese. "The vessel has been monitored to provide immediate badistance, if necessary, and now it is in Italian waters," he added, stating that "Malta has fulfilled all the obligations of the applicable international conventions on the coordination of operations search and rescue ". ] 3/3 #Malta fulfills all the obligations arising from the international conventions applicable to the coordination of search and rescue operations.

– Kurt Farrugia (@KurtFarrugia) 13 July 2018

The boat sailed at a speed of 7-8 knots to the Sicilian coast, to Agrigento or Syracuse, but it has recently corrected the road to Lampedusa. It is an iron boat of about 20 meters, Libya's party, probably from Zuara. Now, the road would be that of Sicily

Toninelli in Valletta: "Do your homework"

"For a few hours there is a boat with 450 people on board sailing in the Sar- maltais. Malta must send its own ships and open the port Our coast guard can act, if necessary, to support, but Malta will immediately do its duty ". The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Danilo Toninelli, writes on Twitter

From a few hours there is a boat with 450 people aboard the Maltese sailboat. According to the law of the sea, Malta has to send its own ships and open the port. Our coast guard can act, if necessary, to provide support, but Malta is doing its duty immediately.

– Danilo Toninelli (@DaniloToninelli) 13 July 2018

The responsibility of the boat on the barge with 450 migrants on board, identified in the Maltese waters Sar, is in Malta and the disembarkation must take place in Maltese Territory. This is emphasized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a note sent to the Embbady of the Republic of Malta in Rome.

The noon of Salvini arrived yesterday afternoon Friday

And yesterday the Minister of the Interior had immediately clarified the position of Italy. "As promised, I do not give up, a barge aboard – reads the Deputy Prime Minister – is this morning in the waters of Malta, which has taken steps to intervene.It is hard and the Barge has resumed sailing to Italy.They know Malta, connoisseurs and connoisseurs from all over Italy and the whole world that this boat in an Italian port CAN NOT AND MUST NOT arrive. already heard? ", concluded Salvini

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