60-year-old man killed by lightning in Sardinia – Sardinia


She was with her husband on a nature trail in Carloforte

She was walking with her family when she was hit in her entirety by a lightning that killed her. Tragedy at Nasca in Carloforte, south-west of Sardinia. The victim, aged 61, is a German tourist from Berlin who usually spent her holidays on the island of San Pietro.

At the time of the tragedy, he was with his 64-year-old, 30-year-old husband and a few friends. Released in the afternoon for a trek, while it was not yet beautiful, they were surprised by a violent storm and decided to return to their car.

Just before getting into the car, they heard a thunder, then the woman was struck by lightning and thrown to the ground for several tens of meters. Immediate request for help and arrival of 118 and carabinieri, but she had nothing to do. In shock of husband and son.


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