600 illegal immigrants enter Spain


A group of nearly 600 undocumented immigrants all from sub-Saharan African countries, crossed this morning the border fence, nearly seven meters high, separating Ceuta from the Morocco and entered Spain.

600 immigrants illegal immigrants, so. It's one of the most impressive border aggression of recent times, according to police sources reported by the Spanish media. Officers managed to arrest hundreds of people on Moroccan soil and the Guardia Civil rejected a number of migrants in Morocco, but many others remained on Spanish soil. Specifically, those who managed to jump would be 592 according to the Red Cross, but there is no official confirmation from the government. The immigrants were taken to a temporary residence center. The badault began in the border area near Finca Berrocal, where it is easier to reach the perimeter because of the blind areas not covered by surveillance cameras. For more than an hour, Moroccan agents and Spanish guards attempted to contain the badault, although in the end, about 600 immigrants managed to enter Ceuta.

A spokesman for the Civil Guard said that it was "a blow carried with great violence". Besides the entrance in an irregular way, there are also conflicts. "More than a dozen officers were injured," four of whom were hospitalized, Civil Guard said. In the final hours, Ceuta Red Cross spokeswoman Isabel Brasero announced that her team had treated 30 injured and injured migrants, but "no one was in serious condition". Eleven were taken to the hospital because they needed sutures and tests for any fractures.

After Italy closed the ports and imposed a stricter line, the phenomenon of immigration begins to worry other countries too. As reported by El Pais, the influx of immigrants by sea from Africa has already far exceeded the capacity of the host system. Since the beginning of the year 22,711 migrants have arrived in Spain, 19,586 by sea, three times the same period of 2017. More than half of the maritime arrivals – it is emphasized – during the last 51 days there have been 4,510 immigrants registered only in July,

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