Merkel, what an idiot! Eastern countries deny Chancellor


Angela Merkel is going through a very difficult period. On the knot of migrants his government may melt like snow in the sun. The Bavarian CSU led by Horst Seehofe r pushes to the right, while the SPD strikes from the left. Meanwhile, the fate of the Chancellor, who recently sent a letter to his allies in which he warned them that he had reached an agreement with 14 countries of the European Union for the repatriation of those who were safe. were registered in these states as asylum seekers and then arrived in Germany

The agreement was substantially imposed by the Minister of the Interior, Seehofer. Either there was a European solution on immigrants, or the minister and the leader of the CSU would have started with the rejections, with the risk of bringing Angela Merkel into the abyss of the government crisis.

But the agreement reached by the Chancellor With half of the countries of the European Union, he risks becoming a fool. Ms Merkel wanted to bypbad the European Union and enter into bilateral agreements with other governments. And he did, stating that the EU is no longer considered necessary by Germany itself. But the rain of denials of Eastern Europe, the rebels of Visegrad Group is a very important tile for the holding of this German policy.

Because just when it seemed that this agreement was freezing The crisis in relations between Merkel and Seehofer, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary have denied having reached an agreement with Germany. And the denial of anger from these three governments is likely to be a blow to the relationship between Cdu and Csu.

The first official denials came from Prague and Budapest. "This alarming news is nonsense," said Czech Prime Minister, Anderj Babis adding: "Germany has not turned to us and at this point I would not sign such an agreement ". ] Words not too different from those of the spokesman of the Hungarian government, Zoltan Kovacs : "Such an agreement has not been reached". Viktor Orban's spokesman, Bertalan Havasi, recalled that the position of the Hungarian government is clear: "no asylum seeker can enter Hungarian territory if this asylum seeker has already entered Greece or in another Member State ". Even so, it must be said, this is not the badumption frowned upon in the agreement.

Today, there was also a refusal of Poland . "There is no new agreement for the reception of asylum seekers from other EU countries, Poland follows a very strict asylum policy and we do not we will not change it, "a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry told AFP. Polish, Artur Lompart. The same spokesman then recalled the unity of intention with the other countries of the bloc: "We confirm this as the Czech Republic ae Hungary ".

Visegrad therefore weighs like a rock on this convulsive season of Angela Merkel. If the sine qua non of maintaining the government were these agreements, it is clear that the denial of the pact over the entire eastern border of Germany is a bad sign. But it is also true that it is a good game of the governments of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary to refuse an agreement that, after all, would not have had disastrous consequences for them.

The contents of the letter speak of repatriation they were registered as the first country of arrival in any of these 14 states. Regardless of the fool of the Chancellor, refugees who are Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic as the first country to land or check in are very rare. The gravity however, is the absence of countries where the number of migrants arrived and recorded is much higher: first Italy.

The East government denies a pact that, at most, would have been a bad political blow a. But at the level of public order and the reception system, this would have changed very little. The problems are the others. For Berlin, which is to justify the denials of other EU countries, helpless in the face of the resounding defeat for an ever weaker Merkel at home and in Europe. On the other hand, the unjustified absence of the EU, which allows countries to grant each other, abandoning others to their fate. Is it the European Union that claims solidarity?

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