One month of government: what was done and what was not


"The challenge is to keep our promises," Interior Minister Salvini said at the Pontida meeting today, July 1, 2018.

"All over Europe realized that there is a government that, in one month has done more than the others in 6 years. "

But is this really the case?

A month ago, the 1st June 2018, the first yellow-green government of Italian history swore before the President of the Republic.Thus began the "government of change", the "Third Republic", the executive that would end the privileges of caste and dignify the poor.The same government that promised to "protect the borders" of migrants and NGOs and restore the importance of Italy in Europe, in the words of its members.

In one month, the government team has met 7 times and to date, only the decree reporting the digital bill of ations-service was approved for 6 months

Prime Minister Conté participated, this first month, in the G7 in Canada and in the Brussels European Council (that's what was decided.)

Here the promises of the government and what was done within 30 days of the activity of the executive:


Salvini: "The pacchus is over"

In the contract of government refers to the creation of detention centers for irregular immigrants who can contain them all. Other centers will need to be created in all regions to accelerate (as well as increase) evictions. Salvini, Minister of the Interior, had also proposed the signing of bilateral agreements with countries of transit and origin of migrants.

The government has promised to change the Dublin Regulation, establishing the principle of equitable sharing of asylum seekers between different countries of the European Union. After the European summit held between 28 and 29 June, the desire to reform the Dublin agreements was reiterated, but the distribution of migrants has not yet been established

The Minister Salvini continues to block access to NGO ships in Italian ports, as evidenced by the Aquarius, Lifeline and Open Arms cases.

According to the Minister, the 5 billion spent by Italy for the reception "are too numerous.These vessels in the Mediterranean do not volunteer, they help with the trafficking of human beings."

When the visit to Libya, Salvini proposed to the Libyan authorities to set up reception centers for migrants in the south of the country. then he says that it could be created in the southern states of Libya.

Recently, the minister also promised to donate 12 other patrol boats to Libya with the consequent training of crews.

Increased funds and endowments for law enforcement agencies, as well as recruitment of new employees. Among the proposals, also the implementation of measures to combat gambling.

Salvini then promised to speed up the procedures of expulsion of illegally occupied housing: in the short term, all irregular Roma camps will be closed.

The Minister of the Interior is also working on a directive entitled "Safe Beaches", which provides for a fine for those who make purchases from street vendors on the beaches.

Income from Citizenship

"We will make provisions to help citizens who are in poverty, we can not ignore the income of citizenship"

Citizenship income is a measure according to which Every citizen, whether he is rich or poor, receives a certain amount of money each month.

The Five Star Proposal provides that this form of subsistence may be necessary for persons with certain requirements, such as: being at least 18 years of age, unemployed or unemployed, or receiving work income or a pension below the poverty line.

The discussion of the decree is scheduled for Monday, July 2, 2018.


Di Maio: "To have a citizenship income 8 hours of free work per week"

The contract provides the introduction of a law on the minimum hourly wage "for all categories of workers and productive sectors in which the minimum wage is not fixed by collective bargaining", but also a structural reduction the tax wedge.

Minister Di Maio said that the government intends to revise the law on employment "limiting dismissals". emanation of the "Dignità decree", which in one of its four main points precisely contains the fight against precariousness

Monday, June 18, at the Ministry of Labor Luigi Di Ma J met with representatives of companies who take care of home delivery: Deliveroo, JustEat, Foodora, Domino's Pizza and Glovo.

In the end, Di Maio announced the opening of a working table between messengers and businesses to come up with the first national collective agreement on the economy of the gig. "If they do not get a result, we will intervene with the rules," he said.


Salvini: "Regeni? Relations with Egypt are more important"

The Lega-5Stelle government has placed the defense of the national interest at the center and has was the only one in Europe to propose the withdrawal of the sanctions imposed on Russia, to concentrate on the instability of the Mediterranean. Recently, the European Union has introduced new sanctions against Russia.

Regarding relations with the government of Sisi, the Minister of the Interior baderted that "it is clear that Giulio Regeni, but Egypt is a country too important "

Uniform tax

Salvini:" The fixed-rate tax, which allows for more savings "

The contract provides for the sterilization of VAT and excise duties and the introduction of the uniform tax with two fixed rates of 15 and 20 percent "for natural persons, VAT numbers, businesses and households". The lump sum tax will only be introduced for businesses in 2019, while families will have to wait until 2020.


Salvini: "Self-defense is a sacro-holy law "

The new government proposed the reform and extension of the legitimate defense of the home and the introduction of a" prison construction plan "to solve the prison overcrowding. To date, no progress has been made in the field of justice


Salvini: We will dismount the Fornero. The ECB gives a reason for it "

The Lega-5Stelle government plans the abolition of the Fornero law and the introduction of the quota of 100.

Reduces the costs of politics [19659020] Di Maio: "The deliberation is already ready and is on the table of the President of the House of Deputies Roberto Fico. We promised it during the election campaign and we will do it right away "

The contract aims to" bring back the social security system (pensions or pensions) of parliamentarians, regional councilors and all the members and employees of constitutional bodies to the existing social security system. all citizens, even for the past. "

Fight against Corruption

Count:" The conflict of interests is a vexata quaestio "

There are individual measures to be implemented to fight against corruption, including the Increase of sentences and the "DASPO" for the corrupt and the corruptors, in addition to the fight against the conflicts of interests.


Salvini: "Ten compulsory vaccines are useless and sometimes harmful "

The Minister Giulia Grillo promised to refinance public health, reduce inequalities of care and badistance, to make a stark contrast with the clientele and tocratic antimerienics, abolish the ticket on drugs, break down Waiting lists.

Grillo also denied Minister Salvini's comments on the subject of vaccines, reiterating that they are "a fundamental instrument of primary prevention of health."

Fontana : "I want to intervene for strengthen consultants to try to deter women from abortion. "

The Minister of Families wants to work to reverse the growth curve that" in our country is really becoming a problem ". The minister stressed that the family that the government recognizes and will be supported, even economically, "is sanctioned and protected by the Constitution".

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