Taking part in a race in the Dolomites, dies – Trentino AA / S


He participated in the historical trail in the Marmolada area

(ANSA) – BELLUNO, JULY 1 – A man died near the
Marmolada in Veneto territory (Belluno) caught by the disease while
he took part in the historic trail, a mountain race.
The man, left with the other athletes of Pbado Fedaia, during
the path felt bad and collapsed on the ground.
Casually right behind him, a girl belonging to the
Alpine Rescue immediately reached and evaluated
conditions he called 118. But when the situation is
aggravated, the rescuer began to practice them
Resuscitation maneuvers with other people noticed before
that the AIut Alpine Dolomites helicopter has arrived. landed
on-site medical staff took care of the procedures
of urgency, and unfortunately could only see the death
of the runner. The reconstituted body was then transported
Arabba, presents the Carabinieri and the Alpine Rescue of


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