two councilors and ten councilors pass to Misto group


Elected leaders and councilors depart. In clbades II, V and XII municipio the group of the Brothers of Italy no longer exists. In Campidoglio, to represent the party of Giorgia Meloni, there will be only one exhibitor. And to say goodbye to the MSI who was there are also the former regional representative Fabrizio Santori and the face of the ultracattolica wing, one of the founders of the party, Federico Iadicicco. An unprecedented haemorrhage.

Former ex-lost at this time eleven pawns in councils Territorial: Emiliano Corsi and Giusy Guadagno (Pigneto-Centocelle) Giovanni Picone, Marco Giudici, Francesca Grosseto (Monteverde), Daniele Catalano (Eur) – from Santori group – Flavia Cerquoni (Tuscolano), Fulvio Accorinti (Monte Mario), Giuseppe Scicchitano and Sandra Bertucci (Parioli-San Lorenzo), from the Iadicicco group. To these are added two elected representatives of the Campidoglio: Maurizio Politi and Francesco Figliomeni. Andrea De Priamo remains, very faithful of the duo Meloni-Rampelli, to keep the bar.

The official announcement will come. But no one will be greeted on the banks of Matteo Salvini expected and natural landing place of the exhibitors of a party that has spent its last moments for months, which does not hide too much its intentions of 39, climb, sooner or later, the winning ally's tank. Not now, however. The first step is the mixed group, for two reasons.

The first, official: it is a priority to abandon an environment saturated with spaces of dialogue and debate, as many have long complained (especially after the modest results gathered in the elections of March 4), with the power centralized at the top unable to exploit the resources on the territory. Then we will reason about the final goal. The second, unofficial but always belied by the interested parties: a pact not written between Salvini and Meloni . The pasionaria of the Roman right, to try to stop the bleeding towards Via Bellerio, would have asked the Deputy Prime Minister to stop. Which would have temporarily granted him. Interference that did not please, and that was not enough to prevent farewell. The message arrived loud and clear: the end of Fratelli from Italia to Rome, his seat, is near. And no agreement can prevent the tearing.

Time will be used to consolidate the ranks, to study a program for a Roman League which has in reality neither strong links with the territory nor specific battles to engage, calibrated on the problems of the capital city. As we explain from accredited sources, we try to understand there is "the margins to go beyond the consent of the sole direction" . In short, the reorganization begins, at least at the level of the image. The group Iadicicco will identify under the new badociation Italia Comunità new flag that will gather tomorrow the old "patriots" who in the coming weeks will continue to do politics well outside the party. Same for the already existing Defend Italy network promoted by Santori. While waiting for the pbadage to the Lega . This net of summer surprises is now given for sure.

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