The Triple Opa by Salvini


From the pocket he draws the rosary, green, shows it to the people of the pratone who is moved and exalted. Then Matteo Salvini asks them: "Do you swear not to give up until we have liberated the European peoples, do you swear, yes or no?" Yes or no? " The sacred ground of Pontida, in a nationalist and sovereign blue version, is a roar. It is here that the leader of the Northern League launches an opa on the European continent by opening very early the election campaign for the vote of 2019 and proposing itself as a spearhead of the sovereign pole. And it's the first "hostile climb". The second opa is the one addressed to the government when it says that the decision to close the ports belongs to him alone, to the Minister of the Interior. The third opa is the one that is in the most advanced state, is addressed to the center and is largely represented by blue governors, like Giovanni Toti, invited to talk about the scene.

Step where the blue color of the national turn and the logo are distinguished from the League with the words "Salvini Prime", a statement that invests its relations with the executive, with an increasingly predominant role of the League. After all, as under-secretary Giancarlo Giorgetti himself says, coming out of the scene: "The government lasts but like all things there are developments". So, they can change balances and names. The leader of Carroccio guarantees that it will last five years and that the league will govern for thirty years, but the economist explains that much will depend on the budget "spaces that open up in Europe".

For Salvini, Brussels is like the Berlin Wall or being killed. And it is here that launches its opa and announces the birth of a "League of Europe" which brings together all the "Leagues" of the Old Continent, the "free and sovereign movements". There is no status yet, but we are working to create a network with Viktor Orban for example and with Poland but also with Marion Le Pen. A banner also says "I prefer Marion to Macron". One eye is to Russia with its flags waving on the grbad. The road is clear, therefore. "Europeans next year will be a referendum between Europe's elites, banks, finance, immigration and precariousness, and the Europe of peoples and the – an international alliance of populists, which for me is a compliment, I think we will be the majority ". A perspective that, in fact, goes beyond the traditional center-right and puts Silvio Berlusconi and Forza Italia more and more in the limelight.

By the way, when the blue leader is named from the scene, the whistles are raised. Instead, the center-right governors (not just the Northern League) who spoke were treated as if they were at home. Starting with Nello Musumeci, president of Sicily once removed from Padania. The present and future direction of Salvini pbades from here, from his excellent relations with Giovanni Toti or the governor of Molise. And of a Forza Italia that could thin fascinated by the league. Mara Carfagna pointed out that Salvini did not recognize any recognition, but that it was impossible to find a space in the league leader's communication strategy to conquer as much field as possible.

On the contrary, he greeted the M5, to whom he stole or borrowed the words of Olivetti, always a reference figure of Gianroberto Casaleggio first, and then of Davide. And on relations with pentastellati, he says, "They will not be able to make us fight." This is true. But Salvini makes them fight in them, as at the closing of the ports. "Fico does not want her?" She's talking in a personal way, I've never met her, "he says," I decide, "he adds from the scene, and minutes later sources from the Ministry of Transportation flee all Danilo Toninelli's irritation for these increasingly overflowing statements and for the camp's invasion, or rather the camp's monopoly desire.

Activists do not seem to worry The important thing is that the League is in government: "We have already beaten," says Giuseppe Vero, of his belvedere where we offer Taralli Pugliese, the old Forza Italy with a brief break in M5s: There is so much south with typical products, such as Pachino tomatoes, Burrate bells or Calabrian Ndia, the absolute novelty here in Pontina, just as the scene is so new with so much blue, but you can not The same is true of the pratone: the flags of the Po, the old Lega Nord, the green handkerchiefs The neck of the neck stand out and there are nostalgics in a federalist green shirt. But – as Salvini himself says – "more people came here for the first time than the veterans."

According to the organizers, this soil, which since 1990 has been so busy, had 75,000 people. Certainly exaggerated, but what is certain is that it has been the most participatory of all time. Who, with the absence of Umberto Bossi and Roberto Maroni, dedicated the leader Salvini. Or rather the "Captain" as they are mostly called by the young people who camp here since Saturday and with the secretary of the League they drank and sang until late at night. In the city of the oath against the Barbarossa now resound the notes of "All Alba vincerò" that accompany Salvini's speech that ends with a "Let's win it". In his intentions in Europe, in the government and in the center-right.

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