Power uses the M5S, fleeing voters and identity crises


To understand what is happening in Italy, we should take a tour in the district of Livorno in Shanghai, that of palazzoni with clay courts and old type Fiat parked near the sidewalks devoured by the time that still holds the photo of Berlinguer on the windshield, the reddest district of Livorno, the dockers and factory workers, where the PCI collected 94% of the votes. If you want to read his story, look at the numbers. Here began the shift of the left in Tuscany, without the fact that the newspapers took a lot of notice in truth, when the Five Stars removed the mayor to the PD and many voted grillini between these houses torn down by fascism, with the facades just a little peeling and linen hanging from the threads as in the popular neighborhoods of the big cities. But now, here, via Wan Bergher or in front of the Polisportiva, where everything seems to have remained the same in time, with people sitting at the table between a beer and a newspaper to hear the latest news about Leghorn football promoted in Serie B, even the old companions with hammer and sickle tattooed on the arm vote the League, as their wives, as their children. Whole families and different generations. Lose the pd. But they also lose the Five Stars

If all this does not surprise regarding the pd renziano and what comes later, then loses only the Tuscan accent but that's all the same as before for veterinarians and the organic vacuum of content, the discourse is very different instead for the Five Stars. A few days ago, La Stampa had highlighted how this government evolved in a game of mirrors: right Matteo Salvini, left Luigi Di Maio, in a complicated cohabitation, "in which each seeks to fill the political space to which The more the Minister of the Interior sets the tone for immigrants, the more the development pays attention to the unemployed, to families, to employees of companies in crisis. "He gave interviews to Catholic newspapers such as Avvenire (now the only left-wing references in Italy with a thought, that sounds unbelievable, but they are the Pope and the Church) and even promises to triple the income from citizenship.But the true core of the Another question is why you should go on a trip to the red light district of Shanghai, because maybe you will find partner Alessandro L., 45, who explains to them how "the Negroes do not care. This is not why we are voting for Salvini. We vote for it because it is credible, because it is sovereign, because it is against Germany, because it is a friend of Russia, because that it is a country that tries to keep what it promises. "Of course, that only explains the political transfer of Tuscany, with Emilia in tow, on the shores of the center-right." In other parts of Italy it's not the same thing But the image they give to the voters Di Maio and Salvini is the same everywhere and how credible is it for the old leftists the leader of the Five Stars?

Something begins to move ] even within the Movement, and not only affects the peripheral landslides that affect it from Campania to Veneto, but even in Rome, some voices come out of the chorus.This is not by chance that the House Speaker Roberto Fico, after long avoiding any comment on the government, in Pozzallo has decided these days to come out in the open: "I will not close them, NGOs have worked well, they have saved many lives human beings ". Senator Paola Nugnes said that she was "in agreement" with him. But perhaps it is even more important the descent to Rome of Beppe Grillo, his selfie with Fico and the Rays and the inscription below: "My boys". According to Libero, Grillo swallowed Di Maio's arm, telling him that "this is not the case.We must focus more on our themes, merit and transparency, otherwise Salvini longs for." is not so simple, however, and the magic wand is not enough.The truth is that the pull government league now flattens the Five Star Movement on its slogans that affect not only immigrants, while on annuities the president of the Casellati Senate, center-right, has already set up and so you will not do anything – sure that Salvini has nothing to do with this turnaround? – think about military missions.In January, when there was Gentiloni, the Five Stars had voted against the refinancing of military missions abroad, including Niger which was part of a plan to reduce and control the flow of migrants to the Italian coast (the Lega it s 39; silently refrained) But now that Defense Minister Elizabeth Trenta was wanted and wanted by them, they changed their minds. The missions are good and can even increase. So, if in 2016 they had voted against the military mission Hippocrates, which was to open a field hospital in Misrata, Libya, to treat the wounded in the war against the Islamic State, because, according to them, "the M5S and our Constitution repudiate the war, "today Salvini will instead treat as an ally of the Tripoli government (and perhaps it is better as well). On the other hand, the school left it to the League, and on the culture – historical territory of the left – where they are in the government have always and only cut

In this scenario , completely transformed by homework and government links, it is not the league that risks losing its identity. The most alarming signal is a few days ago, when on the official Facebook page of the 5-star Movement, they proposed a poll to ask members if they preferred Caste or President Roberto Fico, who desperately tries to Abolish annuities. Pictures of D Alema, Pomicino and De Mita, to remove any doubt that has ever had: the incredible fact is that under the question "Which side are you on?", After a while "have noticed that the 62 for a hundred voters was in favor of the Casta Poll Canceled Now, the suspicion that the question was misinterpreted or that one way or another could participate in the same vote those or especially those who have nothing to do with the Five Stars is pretty strong.But there is also the strange feeling that by dint of pursuing other new words of order, something has changed within the Movement, as if the power obtained had the effect of polluting its original soul.

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