Migrants, Seehofer attacks Merkel on the EU agreement and threatens the government


Bavarian social Christians raise their voices and continue to pressure Chancellor Angela Merkel. "The agreement reached at the Brussels European Council on Immigration is insufficient," thundered the interior minister of Munich where held the highly anticipated meeting of the European Parliament. Christian Social Union (CSU). The Christian Democrat Party (Cdu) has decided not to give respite to the Chancellor and after the first signs of reconciliation launched Friday at the end of a European Council-dominated action. a Angela Merkel, decided at all costs to bring home a concrete result capable of meeting the demands of the right and the extremist in Bavaria, he returned to the attack.

The Long Knives

It was a Sunday of long knives marked by remote threats exchanged by the leaders of the respective two parties meeting respectively in Munich and Berlin. A dramatic day for German politics and for the government of the Great Coalition and for the chancellor's own destiny.

ALSO Migrants, there is EU agreement: distributed in all countries but only on a voluntary basis

The Attack

Horst Seehofer defines the results obtained at the European Council as "not equivalent" to his measures of immediate rejection of secondary migrants at the German borders. Measures that are not supported by Angela Merkel, but that the Minister of the Interior persists to put into practice in the name of "credibility" and "common sense". We will not "capitulate to the Chancellor," echoed the governor and CSU leader Markus Söder.

From Berlin came the calls for reason from the Christian Democrat leaders, who in turn met in a special session in a Konrad-Adenauer house, the headquarters of the CDU, besieged by journalists and cameras. "The situation is very serious," admits Angela Merkel, reiterating her position on rejection. "They are not covered by the agreement reached in Brussels" and represent counter-productive "unilateral measures" for a European solution to the crisis. "If each country

initiates national measures, the problem will not be solved but only tightened". "Social Christians take Germany hostage" said Saxon Governor Michael Kretschmer, a leading member of the right wing of the CDU, convinced however of the need and also the possibility of finding a compromise with the Bavarian ally. "To advance a government crisis on a subject that does not divide the two parts in detail is absurd".

The conflict ended by closing the ranks of the Christian Democratic Union, whose council unanimously approved the agreement reached at the European Council and the positions of the Chancellor and Party Leader on migration issues. So between Cdu and Csu it's a wall against a wall. The Bavarian rebels insist that they do not want to cause the fall of the government and Angela Merkel, but more than ever the important elections of mid-October in their region have decided not to lose the face and defend their positions. Master Plan on Immigration "developed by their minister Seehofer.A plan that lists 63 concrete steps to drastically reduce the entry of new refugees into the country, rejecting those already registered in other states. EU members and expel more quickly refugees whose asylum applications have been rejected.

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