Senator buying and selling, the pg: "Prescription for Berlusconi"


The prescription of the offense against Silvio Berlusconi concerning the sale and purchase of Senators between 2006 and 2008 must be confirmed

Deputy Attorney General of the Cbadation Luigi Orsi supports him, who calls for dismissal the appeal of the head of Forza Italia, sentenced to three years for corruption, a crime that was however prescribed on appeal, April 20 last. According to the AG, the offense alleged against Berlusconi must be converted into a case of abusive bribery, which "still refers to the point of limitation" thus confirming the award of the appeal.

The facts relate to the so-called "Operation of Freedom", consisting of the dismissal of senators from the majority of the center that supported the Prodi government, between 2006 and 2008. According to the reconstruction of the investigators, the l. former Senator Sergio De Gregorio reportedly paid three million euros, to convince him to leave Italy's values, part of the majority, and found a new movement, the Italians of the World, who joined Forza Italia . In 2008, the Prodi government also dropped thanks to De Gregorio's vote of no confidence. The former senator had already negotiated a 20-month sentence in 2013.

At the end of the trial of first degree, which involved in addition to Silvio Berlusconi also the former Director of the Avanti Valter Lavitola, the judges sentenced two to three years imprisonment, ban for five years of public office and the payment of compensation to the Senate of the Republic . The conviction of the appeal had then declared the crime prescribed.

Orsi asks to reconquer the crime of undue bribery, always with the result of the prescription and rejection of the appeal of the head of Forza Italia, who instead asks absolution with a complete formula . The verdict of the Supreme Court is expected in the evening.

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