"Decreto dignità" already emptied Another blow to businesses


Luigi Di Maio is ready to bring to the Council of Ministers the " Decreto dignità ". In fact, several measures could be adopted with the new text about to launch the government. In the first case, there will be an adjustment of the profitability meter and always on the fiscal front the expiry date of the spesometer will be recorded, which will go to February 28th instead of September 30th. Split payament block, but only for professionals. As the Minister of Labor has repeatedly announced, there will be a rule that will deal directly with relocations with penalties ranging from 2 to 4 times the contribution received by companies before the relocation phase.

The penalty applies to businesses that move. an extra-EU country and a country of the Union . Another point of the decree is the cancellation of advertising regarding games and bets. Only lotteries are saved. Pbad the rule that prevented the administration of permanent contracts. Futures proposals will last up to 36 months. Finally, in this context, it should be emphasized that in the case of a renewal of a fixed-term contract, the cost of the contribution will increase by 0.5% compared to the 1.4% already paid by l & # 39; employer. In short, companies both delocalised and contractual find themselves in the crosshairs with heavy penalties for those who do not comply with the new rules imposed by Di Maio.

The text seems to be sufficiently emptied by the initial intention of the political leader of the Movement to have a sort of punitive connotation for the companies as emphasized by the spokesman of the groups of the Chamber and the Senate of Forza Italia Giorgio Mulè : "The first step of the government on the labor front is a misstep or even a step backward.Not the bosses but all the categories that create work and that are entrepreneurs, traders, artisans say in unison and with great clarity that the measures announced by the dignity of the decree are exactly the opposite of what is necessary for in favor of occupation: the incompetence and superficiality of the Minister Di Maio that Forza Italia denounces since the birth of the government begins to be dramatically out. "Criticism of the Democratic Party with Michele Anzaldi:" Projects that circulate, increasingly anesthetized Over the days, we are confronted – he adds – with a mess that does not affect anything about the employment law, at best it will not do anything. Too bad for the companies because it will complicate their life, but if they have not managed to find a few hundred million to cover this decree, how will they find the tens and tens of billions that should be used for the purpose? lump sum tax, citizen income, Fornero, etc. . (Here is the complete text of the draft "decree of dignity")

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