who is responsible and what documents do they need?



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As announced in a timely manner by our editorial team, the staff from school with 30 contracts June can apply for unemployment NaSpI

What is Naspi

This is the new benefit of social insurance for employment [19659006] Employees, including apprentices, are the beneficiaries of the service; cooperative workers who have established, with their own membership or after the establishment of the badociative relationship, a subordinate employment relationship, artistic personnel having a subordinate employment relationship


  • involuntary loss of work
  • Unemployed status
  • at least thirteen weeks of unemployment contributions, in the four years preceding the beginning of the period of unemployment
  • thirty days of actual work, irrespective of the minimum contribution, in the twelve months preceding the beginning of the period of unemployment

The application

The request for the use of the NASpI by the worker concerned must be submitted to the INPS electronically, under penalty of forfeiture of the right, not more than late in the 68 days termination of the employment relationship

The channels:

  • through the web via the portal Inps. You must have the PIN,
  • to the INPS-INAIL number 803164 of the fixed network or 06164164 of the mobile network
  • Patronage Authorities

The necessary documents

  • valid identity document [19659009] tax code,
  • self-certification of the residence,
  • form SR163 completed and stamped by the bank or post office in order to receive the transfer credit,
  • copy of the schedule with indication of the IBAN;
  • name and place of the last employer,
  • date of beginning and end of the concluded contract,
  • telephone number,
  • email address.

For the Naspi School, the teacher must also have:

  • recognition of your unemployed status because dismissed against your will: condition that occurs at the end of the school contract or because you have been fired in periods protected by maternity or for what is owed. As the Quifinanza.it recalls, "The first requirement, however, also includes: providing your job availability at the INPS and at the Job Center, where you will sign the personalized service agreement and will be active in the search for a job, according to the rules contained in the signed service agreement. "
  • the temporary substitute teacher demanded that the teacher or the l '. temporary substitute teacher has worked at least 30 days in the 12 months preceding the dismissal
  • having paid involuntary unemployment during the 4 years preceding the payment of at least 13 weeks of contributions

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