Qato Nertil, an Albanian immigrant, rescued Thursday, June 28, two women involved in the explosion of the building in via del Seminario. He is regular and has been in Italy for 6 years

  Livorno, Nogarin asks citizenship for the immigrant hero
The mayor of Livorno Nogarin with Qato Nertil

An official recognition of the prefecture for the heroic gesture of Qato Nertil, the thirty-one Albanian who, on Thursday, June 28, saved his mother and daughter involved in the explosion of the via del Seminario building. The Mayor of Livorno, Filippo Nogarin, is invited to ask. "Yesterday – the mayor said – we learned that Angela Tarroboiro, the woman who lived on the ground floor, died as a result of the burns reported.That hurts us deeply, but the budget could have been even more tragic there was no intervention of Qato Nertil, who alone managed to save the two women living on the first floor, a gesture of extreme courage that I would have officially recognized, and for that I have already contacted the prefecture to request a commitment in this direction ". Nertil lived in Livorno for six years and worked in the construction company of an uncle. But for the crisis, 16 months ago, he lost his job and has been looking for a job. But he kept a van and a few tools, tools that proved to be very important in the intervention of June 28th. "Nertil has been here for six years – concludes the mayor – is regular and still does not have Italian nationality since our laws provide for 10 years of residence in our country.I think the French president Macron returns to the country. mind that he decided to regularize and give the residence of May 28 to this boy from Mali who saved a child by climbing on a building, I would like to do something similar, it would be an extraordinary sign ".