"By absurdity, if the ideas of the League pbad through Europe, Europe is saved". He is convinced Matteo Salvini – in Siena for the Palio – who claims his work by putting the Union before the urgency of immigration (and not only).
It means going back to the right to work, the right to retirement, the right to life, the right to security by controlling immigration says the Minister of the Interior to reporters, " If ] Europe continues as it has done in recent years, it collapses: we have seen the Germans against the Greeks , the French against the Spaniards, the Maltese against the rest of the world. We want a Europe that does little and things go well ".
And especially on the Italy-Libya plan to deal with illegal immigration, Salvini explains, "I am happy to move from words to deeds. I do not go abroad to go sightseeing, "he said," I want to save v I want to prevent children from fleeing Africa to die in the Mediterranean. I want Italy and Europe to help about it. I am happy that the Libyan authorities are working, but I am not satisfied with that. Soon, I will go to other countries of North Africa and hope to do what many others have not done in years ".
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