The call center hires 150 telephone operators: no candidates are presented


In the labor market, supply and demand often face difficulties because of the slowdown which, on the one hand, increases applications for various reasons and, on the other hand, reduces opportunities for professional insertion. But it can also happen that a company is ready to hire 150 operators in its Mestrino call center, even from tomorrow, but to have no candidates to select.
Their searches for staff, via the web and the portal, remain neglected.

And according to who every day looks for profiles to evaluate for inclusion in the room where there are 150 telephone sets with a potential of 300 operators (today the room works in half) to cover all the positions of the week, no particular work experience is required: the age range where the research is open goes from the youngest, provided that they have completed the compulsory schooling and parental consent, to the most adults without any exclusion for this "age bracket" which varies between 50 and 60 years and that sometimes in other situations are not taken into consideration.

At We Can Consulting in Mestrino there is an offer of employment, but the demand is absent. The company explains that the contract Ccnl AssoContact is applied to workers in call centers where the base salary is hourly (with the 6 hours you have in the pay 750 euro) to which you add the production arriving at a salary of 1500 euro but also 2500 € for those who make the 8 hours, net.

"We created this reality in 2008 from 12 girls – said Federico Bregolato sole director of the company – now we have more than 150 girls in the Mestrino office alone and we can give the same opportunity to 150 other people ". In addition to the room in the province of Padua, the company has a second one in Palermo, but the demands are not lacking and the work in the call centers is considered a good opportunity.
"We had a boom in 2017," says Irene Head, Mestrino's director of human resources – "there has always been seasonality and cyclical insertion. But today we have the opportunity to double the recruitment, but no application to evaluate. We think there is little willingness to get involved in a sector or job that has never been done. And especially candidates do not give themselves the necessary time: it is not enough for a week or two to find out whether it suits this type of job or not, it takes a few months.

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