Sovereignty is a catastrophic risk


Rome, July 2nd. – "Recognize, in many cases, what
it is defined populism is, in reality, anti-Europeanism. Face
challenges of post-crisis reconstruction, strengthening
monetary and banking union, new technologies,
Productivity and growth, but also possible
destruction of work and exclusion, the European solutions
perceived as insufficient, completely absent or even
harmful. The attention is therefore directed, inevitably,
national solutions. But replace European solutions with those
nationalities leads to disintegration and accentuates contrasts
increase among EU member countries on political priorities
economic and social life, "wrote the former Minister of Economy Pier
Carlo Padoan in an editorial published today on Democratica.

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For Padoan "the challenge we have before us is not that of
identify European solutions instead of national solutions ".
We need solutions that combine national components with those
"For example," on the issue of banking union, we need a
the balance between risk reduction (which requires a commitment
national level) and risk sharing (which requires
Collective). About the fiscal union, in parallel with the efforts
to reduce debt, mechanisms are needed
cyclical stabilization of the labor market, where they are unloaded
more intensely the consequences of negative shocks in the unions
monetary. The European budget must include resources for
finance European public goods, such as security and defense
borders, in addition to measures aimed at
national imbalances. On the reform front for growth
it is necessary to continue in national measures (in all countries) and
pursue the implementation of the European internal market, a
start from the digital agenda. And the list could continue.

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"The overall image – he points out – reminds us that the possibility
technological, financial, demographic and commercial shocks
it seems to grow rather than diminish. The answer from Europe
the shock of migratory flows seems to favor
sovereignism. The answer to the challenge of the banking union seems
foster mistrust in the shared solution and,
therefore, postponement of decisions is preferred. That's it
the message given by the disappointing European Council.
Severe symptoms that indicate profound discomfort and that could
degenerates quickly. The progressive domain has the obligation to
understand and mitigate this growing discomfort. but
he must especially recognize the mistakes and prepare for the
next challenge: the European elections that Deputy Prime Minister Salvini
already said to want to turn into the clash between 'elite and
populism. Instead, it is necessary to strongly badert that confrontation
it will be between obscurantism and civil progress, "concludes Padoan.

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