Ivrea Unesco heritage, no thanks. Olivetti was a living business, not a monument


The damage and the joke, but not only. So, in summary, we could comment enthusiastically new data through the newspapers of Ivrea's nomination to Unesco Heritage . A nice prize will tell someone, a recognition that goes against the deepest spirit and against the story of those who want to reward. Because the industrial site of Ivrea did not want to become a work of art, nor a beautiful monument even less a rare castle, or a folk village. And the fact that today only this is recognized, is the most difficult defeat to digest

Ivrea was the seat of an exceptional plant of a company that until the sudden death of its creator, has been the first in the world in its sector, for the quality and originality of products, for profits, investments, technological innovation. A swarm of new ideas, a company that had taught everyone a new model of personnel management and impact on the territory, advanced for today, incomprehensible yesterday. Olivetti was above all a living thing . And in dealing with the creature of Adriano Olivetti – now that Olivetti is dead and stramorta – as if it was a fine work of art of past, give him a prize precisely because he's no longer alone he wanted to be, that's a resounding insolence . A real provocation, obviously the result of this same mentality – in most cases by the same people – that killed the one who rightly calls the Italian Steve Jobs … was not that it would be much more accurate to call the Mac's father and Iphone the American Olivetti to give Caesar what is Caesar's.

In short, it makes some anger to see that all that remains of the greatest Italian industrial reality is an inanimate monument, empty, to be preserved in formaldehyde as it s & # 39; 39, acted of a skeleton of a missing animal. And from this death, this unworthy end, we wish it and today we take the patent (little Pirandellian) triumphant.

Suffice it to say that Adriano Olivetti for much of his life was opposed by the Italian industrial environment. Olivetti, so to speak, was not even part of Confindustria, was considered a crazy ribbon in the system. When he decided to launch the leadership of a political movement that tried to spread to the national level the same values ​​that had made Olivetti great at Ivrea, war and insults broke out. It would be enough to go and read what was thought then at Fiat ( Valletta ) or in Olivetti's Confindustria ( Costa ), of his ideas about his fixing to pay and on his workers as the true protagonists of success . All the hate against what was even defined as "the red industrial". It would be enough to go and see what happened to Olivetti, Adriano dead, with a series of adverse and contradictory choices, wanted by Cuccia then pursued by the family Agnelli, by the group De Benedetti, Colaninno and by all the "Gotha" "Italian capitalism, which eventually he could get his hands on the remains of Ivrea, persuaded to achieve exactly the opposite of what Adrian would have done, by standardizing Olivetti, without taking into account all the fundamental principles who had inspired the action of Adriano.

Grand Olivetti who had taught the style and quality of Italian products in the world, disappeared (in 2012 ), not for a negative destiny (the sudden death of Adriano), but for the deliberate inability and delay of the Italian entrepreneurship recognized that the success of Olivetti depended on his originality of his diversity .

How it was nothing today, after having denied more than the canonical three times, everyone is talking about Olivetti and the famous as a visionary entrepreneur . No self-criticism, no serious repentance. Italy is the country where you quickly forget, especially the things that bother you. But it is also the country where progress is very slow. Olivetti would not have liked to be celebrated for what was not, a proto-industrial relic but a living company. So today, the best way to pay tribute to him is not to open the doors of his beautiful and bright factory as if it were a beautiful museum ; but spread and fully practice its corporate culture, its ethical and civil teachings, its business model of extraordinary success … still far from everyone.

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