Merkel saves her government (for the moment) at the expense of Italy and Austria


A confirmation of the Dublin Treaty. And the responsibility of the migrants unloaded on Italy. This is, in fact, the content of the agreement between Angela Merkel and the German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer reached to save their government. The executive has indeed risked jumping because of the resignation threatened by Seehofer because of the migration policies adopted by the Chancellor in recent weeks. "Either take a step back or leave," said the minister just before concluding with Merkel for five long hours inside the Konrad Adenauer Haus, the EU headquarters in Berlin. Under the supervision of Speaker Wolfgang Schauble, the two negotiated late into the night to find a panel. That in the end it was reached

" After lengthy negotiations between the Cdu and the Csu, we finally came to an agreement on how to defeat illegal immigration between Germany and Austria "said Seehofer tired but satisfied. Which, based on what has been achieved, stated that he will not resign. The government is saved thanks to this agreement which, he continued to explain, is based on three points shared:

The first point provides for the establishment of a new border regime between Germany and Austria that prevents the entry into Germany of applicants from Germany and Austria. Asylum whose application for international protection is the responsibility of another European State,

the second point provides for the opening of transit centers from where the applicants Inadequate asylum can be sent directly to the countries for which they are competent,

the third point states that if the country in which the migrant is to be returned refuses to accept it, the refoulement will always be made to Austria by agreements with Vienna which must still to be ratified.

But how did we get to this situation that almost made Merkel capitulate?

The crisis between Seehofer and the CDU lasts for weeks and was mainly due to rising polls of Alternative fuer Deutschland, the right-wing party that, with its clear anti-immigration stances , has known gather many consents of the conservative electorate dissatisfied with the current majority. This fact, which alarmed Seehofer, was obsessed with the prospect of losing an absolute majority in the October administrative elections in Bavaria, after the trauma of the poor of 38% obtained in the federal election in September. To avoid this, they began to pursue the Afd on the ground of zero tolerance towards asylum seekers, ushering in an aggressive anti-immigration campaign. From the creation of the new Italian government, the German minister called Matteo Salvini, baduring him of his support for the refusal of boats in the Mediterranean. At the same time, he talks with Hungarian President Viktor Orban and with the countries of the Visegrad region, agreeing that the countries of Central Europe, including Germany, will unite. to oppose the acceptance of any future application for asylum. The situation deteriorated with the immigration summit held a few days ago. Only the Bavarian leader declared himself dissatisfied with many of the resolutions contained in the final document, but also severely criticized Merkel's positions. According to him, it is not enough to defend the external borders of the EU, as provided for in the agreement. To prevent newcomers to Germany, it is necessary to reduce free movement within the Schengen area through forced collective redeployment and police actions along all German borders. In addition, asylum seekers who are on German soil but who have already been registered in other EU countries or who have already been deported from Germany should be rejected. . If the Chancellor did not comply with his demands, he would have brought down the government.

Now, in extremis, the solution has been found and both parties are satisfied. But there are also elements of great criticality. First and foremost, the rejection of asylum seekers along the Austrian border requires that they be paid for by the countries which, according to what is established by Dublin, are competent, so the first countries of the EU in which they entered and registered. Who are Greece and especially Italy. Given that the summit on migrants in recent days involves the implementation of the system of agreements with Turkey to seal the Balkan route, the only major migratory route discovered remains the Mediterranean, which leads from Libya to Belpaese coast.

[19659003] Secondly, it should not be taken for granted, and it is very unlikely, Austria 's willingness to accept all asylum seekers that the l' 39. Germany rejects and can not relocate to third countries.

Finally, it remains to be seen whether such agreements will be accepted by the third component of the government, that is to say by the SPD. The party has not yet announced its official position, but critical voices are emerging from its ranks. "The Cdu and the Csu have yet to explain what they mean by" transit zones ", in order to allow us to badess whether they are compatible with the government pact," tweeted the Social Democrat Frank Schwabe.

Social Democracy gave consent to the agreement would enter a new phase in Europe where Merkel, to please Seehofer, would agree to put limits to the free movement of people by downloading the management unsuccessful asylum seekers on the shoulders of Italy. An Italy in which the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, would have as main European antagonist his German counterpart who, just a few weeks ago, badured him of the shared need to fight together against him. immigration

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