an early exit at an altitude of 100 is already a reality for professionals, but does not attract


The pensions anticipated to quota 100 are already a reality for certain categories of professionals, but do not attract taxpayers enrolled in private funds, alternatives for accumulating contributions in relation to "19459005] Inps and separate management. Even in some cases, professionals enjoy conditions of leaving with early retirement more advantageous than the same quota 100 and, failing that, already benefit from the supposedly & # 39; share 41 & # 39; heard as the number of years of contributions required to go to the pension without waiting for the maturation of a minimum age. However, as reported by the Italian daily Oggi, many professionals (doctors, engineers, architects, lawyers and accountants) prefer "to get to work" as long as possible, giving up the quota very advantageous 97 to achieve by adding up the age and years of contributions.

The phenomenon is reversed in relation to the tendency of other categories of work, particularly wage earners, who generally follow the shortest solution to get to pension [VIDEO] "on the first successful date". anticipated quota 100 or quota 41: comparison with occupational pension

Analyzing the social security requirements, the self-employed can choose between a range of alternatives to go to early retirement including the quota [19459004100 a measure on which the Conté government would like to aim to facilitate the exit of employees and to circumvent the rigid parameters of the reform Fornero [VIDEO]. Among the most favorable to the pension are the doctors and dentists who pay their contributions to the Impam: compared to quota 100 their share at a discount of three years and a minimum age 62 years (and 35 years of contributions), much lower than the badumptions leaked in recent weeks of Quota 100 of M5S and League for which the age would be necessary exit of at least 64 years

The same categories of professionals have the alternative of access also to part 41 currently on the tables of government for the first workers [19659008]. Empam, for doctors, allows an early exit at age 42, regardless of the age of retirement. The same part 41 is planned for the lawyers registered with the Cbada Forense with a year of reduction (quota 40, like that of the industrial experts). However, the lawyers still have three years to hang quota 100 to 65 years: from 2021, 70 years and 35 years of contribution will be necessary. For accountants enrolled in the Cnpadc, the pension was triggered since the age of 61 in the presence of 38 years of payments

Early early retirement fee 41 and 100: exit model for M5S and Lega [19659006]notes Italia Oggi, number of professionals enrolled in social security funds who decide to go to early retirement with the quota 100 or with the alternative of part 41 are not high [VIDEO]. Self-employed people prefer to retire as late as possible, with an average of about 70 years.

Last year, the Cbada degli Engineers and Architects (Inarcbada) approved 1,019 grants from early retirement and was the management that registered the largest number. The other categories of self-employed report an even more limited membership, especially among the new generation of self-employed workers who refer to Legislative Decree No. 103 of 1996.

The trend is to stop working at age 70: 39, is the average registered in 2017 by the Notary Fund (and in general the "intellectual professions"). Over the past year, the 39 notaries who applied for the release were much older than today 's pension and 38 years of practice.

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