Gay marriage for a Veronese priest. The bishop: "He is still a priest"


A priest from the Veronese mountains marries a companion in Spain, but for Curia Scaligera he is still a priest. The story – reported today by local newspapers – sees Don Giuliano Costalunga as protagonist, in service until two years ago in the small parish of Selva di Progno, on the Lessini Mountains [19659002] Weddings were celebrated in April in Gran Canaria. Don Giuliano is married to Pablo, a collaborator known during the years of priesthood. The Bishop of Verona, Mgr. Giuseppe Zenti, defined the story "very sad, for him and for our church", recalling that one of his predecessors had prevented the ordination of Costalunga, who was later made a priest in Rieti. Zenti confirmed that the priest has not yet requested the waiver, and announced that he will visit his parish on Thursday night.

The priest of Veronese marries his friend. The bishop: "He is still a priest"

– Corriere della Sera (@Corriere) July 3, 2018

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