Wikipedia obscured against the EU's copyright. But Brussels: "Do not touch the web encyclopedia". M5s requests text changes


In controversies against the EU copyright directive to be discussed at Brussels on Thursday, July 5 is also held Wikipedia . The Italian page of the well-known online encyclopedia is obscured by this morning in protest: "Freedom of the Internet in danger," reads the message posted on the site. In the afternoon came the replica of the EU Parliament which stated that online encyclopedias would be "automatically excluded" even with the l […] use of third-party content as photos. But Wikimedia Italia replied: "Wikipedia is not only mobilized to save itself, but to defend the free network .The active community wants to disseminate and defend free knowledge and preserve the web as open space even for those with less visibility The current text of the directive prevents the development of new digital services by adding new constraints and is therefore contrary to the spirit of the law author who should protect creativity ". In the document published by Wikipedia we read that the proposal also recorded today the disagreement of more than 70 computer scientists, including the creator of the web Tim Berners-Lee 169 Academics, 145 organizations working in the fields of human rights, freedom of the press, scientific research and computer science and the Wikimedia Foundation
The European Parliament will meet on [19659003] online and copyright: a tax imposed on large corporations such as Google and Facebook to be paid whenever news and newspapers appear on their platforms. The second directive provides instead that the contents covered by copyright and published online without permission are removed or displayed with an advertisement. Wikipedia in protest replaced all Italian online sources with a message to its readers that it reads: "Instead of updating copyright laws in Europe to promote the participation of all in the information society, it threatens online freedom and creates barriers to Web access by imposing new barriers, filters and restrictions If the proposal is approved, it may be impossible to share a newspaper article on social networks or to find it on a search engine. "

EU response – " The commission text "reads in the press release of the EU institution regarding the June 20 vote, "also said that online downloading of content on online encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia, or open source software platforms such as GitHub, will be automatically excluded of r copyright rules "of the controversial article 13 which concerns a system of ex ante verification of material protected by copyright and downloaded on large for-profit platforms. With regard to the position taken by the Council on May 25, the explicit exclusion of the new copyright rules for online encyclopedias, as well as the sites of purchase and sale in online, cloud services, museums, libraries, archives, data mining for scientific research. Article 13, says the spokesperson for the EU's Digital Single Market, targets services that concern "large amounts of copyright-protected content that have been downloaded by users who do not own the rights ". A different case, for example, than for example from Youtube from that of Wikipedia. "Contributors to Wikipedia are mostly creators who own the rights to their contributions that make them available under creative commons," the spokesman said, "although some third-party content may be used in these contributions, for example, to illustrate an article, the amount of this content seems to be limited and, therefore, Wikipedia and other online encyclopedias do not fall within the scope of the Commission's proposal. " , "we will consider that they do not give access to large amounts of unauthorized protected content." Accordingly Wikipedia has no obligation to actively filter any content that will be uploaded to you It remains clear, however, that if an entry in the online encyclopedia is fully copied or powered by copyrighted material that does not have the rights, it should be superseded. Awarded

M5s: "Submitted by a vote to reopen the debate". And the Democrat Viotti announces the vote with the grillini

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor Luigi Di Maio announced during the day on the internet: "If the directives are to remain such, we are ready to accept them ". Today, M5s MEP Isabella Adinolfi said: "The Efdd Group has submitted a plenary vote on the Copyright Directive, which will make it necessary for the European Parliament to reopen the law. debate on Thursday 5 July and allow us to introduce amendments as we hope.The text approved by the Legal Commission represents a serious risk to the freedom of expression on the network.The Internet has to to be the free and open place, as we know it until now ". Then he added: "We express our solidarity with Wikipedia who, in protest against the directive, has decided to obscure its pages.I hope that during this vote, the deputies will will not be willing to approve a text that has too many problematic aspects, and it is too important a topic not to engage in democratic debate in the clbadroom and to be able to introduce amendments. will beat up until the end for this to happen, starting with Thursday's vote which is fundamental. "

In line with the 5-star also the Pd MEP Daniele Viotti : "On the Copyright Directive I will vote against and I will ask the committee to withdraw to discuss the whole provision, in particular Article 13, if it is approved, would ask the all platforms, but also to all sites, including the smaller ones, to pre-check lable all the content Doing a preventive check means having algorithms that only large multinationals and big platforms like Facebook, Google, Youtube can afford, while the smaller ones do not. So we would have a more limited internet, different from what we know now. It is not not to defend the right of the author to be protected, but to do so with tools that are new and do not limit the freedom of everyone else. 39, between us on the internet.

An appeal to MEPs, because during the plenary session, overturned the vote of the European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs which on 20 June approved the proposal for a directive on copyright in the digital single market. That's what 24 politicians and representatives of Italian civil society have signed, like hundreds of people who have sent over 200,000 protest messages across Europe. Among the signatories, four deputies including the vice president M5s of the Commission of Productive Activities Luca Carabetta innovators and entrepreneurs of the caliber of Mbadimo Banzi inventor of Arduino, then Fabrizio Barca several advisers who deal with participation, innovation and digital in the municipalities of Milan, Bologna and Lecce and Campania, representatives of new political parties like Italy in the city, Diem25 and Volt, and renowned national and European experts and academics. "Consequences of the application of two articles in particular, 11 and 13 – supports the deputy of + Europe Alessandro Fusacchia first signatory of the call and secretary of Movimenta – serious risk of compromising a fundamental right of European citizens: the freedom of expression on the web We have gathered a part of the new political and entrepreneurial clbad of the country to say that this must be avoided at all costs ". In particular, the 24 risks facing the 24 signatories are: The Internet, most of whose content is now generated and transmitted by individuals and not by large organizations, is replaced by an Internet made by large companies, unique to have the resources to adapt to these new rules and that the network is transformed into a place populated with algorithms, which will filter all the contents conveyed by the users, with obvious negative consequences on the freedom of expression of each individual.

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