Macron is right: the five previous Italian governments offered him


French President Emmanuel Macron naturally tends to take a big break but when he imposes (as at the last European summit) that economic immigrants who have entered France through Italy must be welcomed by Italy, which will then take care of doing what it seems to be unfortunately on the side of law and therefore also of reason. Macron can indeed request this obligatory fulfillment because that is what the Dublin agreement requires which was freely signed, and without a word, in his initial draft and then in subsequent amendments, even by five Italian governments that it is good to remember by name, to understand who has been who has blocked Italy in the insoluble angle of uncontrollable immigration.

The Italian governments that approved the Dublin Lenin Pact were: Berlusconi, Monti, Letta, Renzi and Gentiloni. These five governments, although of different political orientation, expressed a common resignation to the demands expressed especially by France and quickly swallowed by the Italian governments as if they were pills. The Italian governments, adopting this resigned and defeatist attitude, did not even have the excuse that, on the point that they approved (and which we will describe shortly in detail), they had been defeated because on their thesis they had not managed to find a sufficient majority of other European countries

This excuse (which in any case would have been a justification, even painful for Italy) does not not resist because such community agreements, to be able to pbad, must be approved with all favorable votes. So just one country applies (we are talking about veto here) because the measure, although it can count on the approval of all other countries, does not pbad. Of course, to oppose the right of veto requires firmness, courage and a spirit of defense of national interests. We need the opposite of resignation, which is the attitude that Italy has always expressed at the European level. To give an idea of ​​how France defends its national interest, it is sufficient to recall that it has not hesitated to reject even the draft European Constitution which would have formed the basis of the construction of the United States. United of Europe that Macron, today, he says he wants to do it

Now, that provide for the Dublin Agreements approved by the Italian center-left governments (more left than of center, to be honest) and that the governments that approved it (in the initial draft and in the subsequent corrections, I repeat) now accuse the Conté government of the League of not being able to dismantle, at the summit last weekend's European which, among other things, did not foresee, on its agenda, any hypothesis review of the Dublin agreements? In short, there is no limit to the collective responsibility of all the governments of the recent past who, with these collective results, accuse the current government of mistakes dating back to the time when this government not only did not work but was far from seeing the light.

The Dublin agreements provide that they are responsible for the non-defense of their borders, the countries through which migrants have illegally entered the Schengen area where the free movement of people and goods is expected, to the point that, between these countries, the customs barriers were demolished and in particular the abolition of controls of property and persons along the area that formerly belonged to former borders and which were declared dissolved, is specifically visually, as well as legally. The first-tier countries have the obligation (the Dublin agreement always says that, again, it has not been approved by legapentastellati), they have the obligation, I l & rsquo; I said, identify immigrants by taking their fingerprints that must be immediately communicated to all European countries in the Schengen area

These last countries, when they identify their home , an illegal immigrant who has entered the EU, say, through Italy (and this badessment is easy, unambiguous and instantaneous, since this can be done automatically thanks, in fact, to footprints digital), this immigrant, I said, can be returned immediately and automatically to the country of penetration in Europe (here again Italy) without having to go through, for the approval of the repression, by the judicial authorities of the country which rejects them in Italy, but which on the contrary end measures to defend the illegal immigrant, as soon as the Italian police will try, to his v olta, to send the immigrant back to the country of origin which often (and artfully) you do not know not even what it is.

The fact is that the previous Italian center-left governments, unfortunately to approve the agreement in Dublin, they have disregarded (and have not pleaded) the fact that, in practice, only two Schengen countries are separated from the North African countries by a maritime area which, by definition, is easily neutralized even by the excuse (sometimes it is also a reality) that all other countries , or are too far from these shores (like France and, in part, Spain) or have land borders which, as demonstrated with the closure of the Balkan Way, they are easily equipped, or with hotspots (concentration camps) armored and paid in Turkey or with the construction of real barriers such as those built on the border with Hungary or with tanks threatened by Austria.

equally impervious, maritime boundaries such as land borders are much more complex and risky. This was demonstrated, for example, by the unintentional bombardment of the Cbade of Otranto on March 28, 1997, during the Prodi government's reign, by the Italian Navy's Sibilla, which sank the patrol boat. Albanian with 120 refugees on board. On this occasion, 58 people died. This is why military patrols must be carried out with European units and the Continental Command to share the burdens and risks for the entire continent that is flooded by this flood of people who are in the hands of the worst traffickers in the world. ;men.

which has now required the government attached to the leg. This at least has the merit of placing at the heart of the European debate the problem of illegal immigration from Africa that the five more or less center-left governments had carefully hidden and downplayed by approving rules that now oblige Italy to absorb not only "immigration from the South (which comes from Africa, which we are already experiencing) but also from the North (with the return of those who, having disembarked in Italy, have spread all over the European continent). In short, we are in a grip of immigration on the previous five governments more or less center-left and legapentastella action now seeks to defuse. But it will not be easy. It was not said pacta sunt servanda, that is, the pacts must be observed?

Pierluigi Magnaschi

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