Lega, Bossi and Salvini the enemy is always different


Viva el leon che magna el teron. For years in Veneto, but not only, it was one of the slogans that the Lega militants intoned when they were dealing with issues concerning the South. The people of the South the "terroni" has been described as the North sickness primarily for three reasons: immigration, welfare and crime. The South, in the northern narrative, not only was the gangrene of the nation, not only stole work with a mbad of people occupying places that were due to the polentoni, but was also wasting all the resources that the northern regions allocated to the State to help support and develop this unfortunate part of Italy.

THE CONTINUATION OF AFRICA IN THE MID-DAY. For the Northern League, the "terrone", while stealing work, was also tendentiously fancazzista and genetically led to dishonesty and mafia. Thus, the South has become, according to the terms of the first league, the continuation of Africa and its inhabitants. More than Italians, they looked more like Moroccans, Tunisians, Egyptians: not only because of the economic situation and the social fabric, even for blood issues. All the propaganda with which Umberto Bossi has built his consent: from the myth of Padania to the anti-Italian rhetoric, with a lot of football World Cup played in a separate league, from secession to the pursuit of the world. a federalism that has not yet seen concrete light despite the years of the Fi-Lega traction government.

THE LAST ROUGE OF BOSSI. It is therefore not surprising that Bossi, in the interview of Corriere della Sera of July 3, changed the old rhetoric of "his" Northern League in key anti Salvini, leader of a new party. nationalism (which in reality has very little new) who sacrificed the secessionist claim on the altar of Italian pride. Speaking of his Pontida "invaded" by southerners, the Senate did not take for the lean: "I have seen that many people interested in being looked after". And on the success of the "populist" edition he commented sarcastically: "If you take Africa there too …"

But are they so different Bossi and Salvini? Yes and No The current leader of the League, who has grown and nurtured the anti-Semitic rhetoric of the Senate, has worked in recent years, with sweatshirts and territorialism, to create a national heritage. On this, compared to his teacher, the steering was clear and, to see the results, win. However, there is a line of continuity in the propaganda technique. Salvini's operation was simple: replace the terrone and the south by the migrants and the states from which they are fleeing. Or, better, where they should not escape.

POPULAR TODAY'S, GREEN SHIRTS OF THE YEAR For the captain and his followers, the migrants "do nothing from morning till night," are maintained, crime increases. Exactly like a Campania or a Calabrian who in the 90s lived in the North, to seek fortune or because driven by hunger. A rhetoric that someone called egoism, who winks at xenophobia and seems to pierce the hearts of today 's populists like in green shirts. from yesterday

There is always something more in the North. Salvini and Bossi, from real problems that must be seriously addressed, evoke a weaker stranger who is further south as an enemy of the people, as a reason for the misfortunes of the "people" and ready to ruin our lives even more. Exactly how, for the states of Northern Europe, Germany foremost, Italy is a dead weight, a corrupt country, a criminal state and a welfare state, which tends not to to pay his debts (19459004) Spiegel he called us "idlers") and that manages the European resources by wasting them. So cautious, Salvini: paraphrasing Pietro Nenni, there is always one more north that purges you

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