Zoppas (Confindustria Veneto), decree of dignity to close businesses


Venice, 3 July (AdnKronos) – "Italy, a democratic, labor-based republic: the proposed decree, while apparently defending labor, in fact indirectly creates the conditions which, leading many companies to close, will produce more unemployment than protectionism can protect.We have not yet emerged from the crisis and there are a large number of companies in the balance which with this decree will have a neck knot, it will only be A question of time, it is the companies that create work and a mistake, at this time, increase the cost of contracts in the end – by tightening the rules – and by reactivating the spiral of litigation, the result will be less work, no less precarious.On the contrary, it will strengthen the competitiveness of Italian companies, acting instead on reducing the tax wedge. "Cos Matteo Zoppas, president of Confindustria Veneto on the decree Dignit [19659002] "About the strict anti-relocation difficult to distinguish by decree companies in crisis" of cunning and opportunistic "(which is just to hit and fight with force). this type probably has the counterproductive effect of worsening the situation of those who may already be in trouble and bring it to a definitive closure. It is necessary to ask why entrepreneurs are forced to leave Italy to survive. A reason to make it more and more uncertain and the framework of rules in which Italian companies operate is unpredictable, "he says.

"Confindustria asks us to work on real maneuvers that create preconditions for an expansive economy, we are working with the government to build projects in this direction, to show the positive effects on the government but, moreover, to avoid negative effects Collective proposals proposals under development Reducing growth can be a deadly risk, as well as sending potential foreign investors messages discouraging and rejecting investments in our country, "he concludes

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