Dignity closes in Article 18


In the difficult balance between Movimento 5 Stelle and Lega, the dignity provided for by the decree approved Monday night was stopped in Article 18. There is no trace of the reintroduction of the rule, annulled by the law on employment, which prohibits companies the fifteen employees to dismiss workers without just cause. Thus, the heart of the reform of the work wanted by the Renzi government, fiercely opposed by the grillini then the opposition, continues to beat despite the announcements of the electoral campaign. And despite the Labor Minister Luigi Di Maio said that with the decree Dignità was given "a fatal blow to precarious employment, rejecting the Jobs Act". But the Employment Act really stands up

to the point that on a specific issue "Article 18 will be reintroduced or not?", Deputy Prime Minister of the press conference does not respond by taking advantage because this question accompanies another. So, Di Maio meets the first more politician on the M5s-Lega reports and bypbades the one on the dismissal without just cause confirming the difficulty of attacking at the crucial point of many M5 battles against Renzi's executive. In the morning, Agorà's guest contented himself with saying: "Article 18. We try to fight precariousness on all fronts: we must see the effects of the Dignity decree, because it can already be much calmer". The reversal of the situation should not be a quarrel with government colleagues and not go to the head-on collision with companies and businesses.

That the green light to the Dignity decree was "suffered" does not hide anyone. Indeed, it is the same under-secretary Giancarlo Giorgetti to say at a press conference. Meeting with journalists who do not participate in Matteo Salvini, the Deputy Prime Minister in the quota Lega also absent at the meeting of ministers the day before. After all, the scene wants to take the entire Minister of Labor who speaks a lot more than the Prime Minister illustrating the slides of the highest podium. And the leader of the League leaves him all the space.

In a short message he compliments Di Maio, but between the lines we can read in fact that "the provision is M5s". The frame is pentastellato. Giorgetti reminds that "some doubts" of the League "were there but were exceeded and the text of the decree was voted by the ministers of the League". However, there are no triumphalist tones of Carroccio. There is some detachment for a provision that Confindustria, which undoubtedly has a good deal of the league electorate, has defined a "negative signal."

More than a fatal blow to the law on employment we can talk about some changes. Like fixed-term contracts for two years and not for three years. And the maximum compensation for layoffs has been increased from 24 to 36 months. However, the possibility of dismissal without just cause remains in writing. Nicola Fratoianni di Liberi is also the same: "The idea that you can pull when you want, remains intact, since there is no action on the reintroduction of the l & # 39; Article 18 as a guarantee for workers ".

's argument, that the 5Stelle first tried to put a table, it was not even addressed. Too much division within government and also between government and business. For Di Maio, for the moment, it is better to avoid.

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