Strictly adopted on the "Dignity Decree" Narrow on precarious and gambling – Economics


The Council of Ministers yesterday approved the so-called Dignity Decree

Here are the main changes introduced by the provision, elaborated on the proposal of the Minister of Labor Luigi Di Maio, explained in 7 points.

1) LONG-TERM CONTRACTS – The maximum duration for fixed-term contracts or a maximum of 24 months for temporary and objective needs is fixed at 12 months. The provisions, already provided for in the Employment Law Enforcement Decree, "do not apply to workers engaged in seasonal activities identified by decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies as well as only in cases identified by collective agreements ". The new rules will apply to fixed-term employment contracts stipulated after the coming into force of the Decree, as well as to renewals and renewals of contracts in effect on the date of entry into force. vigor of dignity.

2) DISINCENTIVES – In order to guide employers towards the use of stable contract forms, we expect an increase of 0.5% in the additional contribution currently equal to 1.4% of taxable wages for social security purposes. Charge of the employer, for non-indeterminate employment relationships, in the event of renewal of a fixed-term contract, also in administrative matters

3) INDEMNITIES – Increase in allowances dismissal without just cause. Currently, it is proportional to 2 months of salary per year of service, with a minimum of 4 months and a maximum of 24. The decree instead places them at a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 36.

4 ) DELOCALIZATIONS – We will try to persuade companies that have received contributions from the state not to be able to relocate (or move production plants abroad). If this is the case, there will be heavy state sanctions equivalent to four times the perceived aid, which will begin after five years and no longer after ten.

5) GAMBLING – ban on the advertising of gambling, without prejudice to "existing contracts". Lottery Italia is also excluded from the ban.

6) DIVIDED PAYMENT – Split payment is abolished for services rendered to Public Administrations by professionals. Today, the PA pays private companies that provide only net services, taking care to pay VAT directly into the coffers of the state. A measure introduced at the time to prevent tax evasion. With the abolition of split payment, the PA will pay private companies VAT amounts included. According to the ministry this way "liquidity" will be created

7) TEACHERS – Also included a regulation concerning teachers of magistral schools: the disputes of those who, as a result of a sentence of the state council had to be fired are extended for 120 days in order to find a solution.

(Uniononline / lf)

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