"It is unfortunate that the idea of ​​a census of the Roma comes back to the public discourse of the member states of the Union". It is as well as the European Commissioner for Justice, Vera Jourova

  Roma, European Commissioner for Justice against Salvini:
Commissioner for Justice of the European Union, Vera Jourova

BRUSSELS "It is unfortunate that the idea of ​​a census of the Roma comes back to the public discourse of the Member States members of the Union". at the Justice of the European Union, Vera Jourova condemned the recent idea of ​​the Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini facing the plenary meeting of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

in reproduction ….

"The inclusion – added the director of the EU – can not be achieved by denying the individual rights, the Commission condemns racism and xenophobia, similar words can contribute to the spread of "Intolerance in our societies and therefore they are simply harmful". The racism and xenophobia he accuses Salvini, adding that "to badociate crime with certain ethnic origins is not acceptable, it is a way to feed xenophobia". In short, for Jourova, it is a behavior "incompatible with the principles and values ​​on which the Union is founded, whereas the public authorities should" distance themselves and fight against xenophobic and racist behavior ".