Summer sales, Ascom and Codacons councils are launched


"An important result – reminds Giulio Felloni as national vice-president of Federazione Moda Italia and provincial president of Ascom Confcommercio Ferrara – for whom I would like to thank the national president of Federazione Moda Italia Renato Borghi and the same federation at the regional level because he has seen The confederal system, as a whole, exerts a strong institutional action, shared in asking for clarity, compared to an administrative void that has lasted too long in Emilia-Romagna and that produces only of indecision and uncertainty in the sector.The rules of the game should be the same for everyone even though we have unfortunately found that someone did not comply with these provisions "

President Felloni then enters the strictly technical plane and remembers: expected moment. Sales are a good buying opportunity and allow you to do good business with a keen eye for value, also aimed at necessary and useful items. From shoulder, blazer and t-shirt clothes, there are excellent possibilities of sizes and colors in a choice that, in the neighborhood store, will allow a conscious and real economy with the satisfaction of the final customer. "

Clarity and transparency: Use the usual trusted stores, on the items must be indicated the initial selling price, the discount percentage applied and the final price at sale, payments can also be made by credit card and debit card

According to a statistical study conducted by Confcommercio's national studies office this year, Italians will spend about 98 euros (an average household of about 227 euros and there will be 15.6 million households involved in purchases during the period) for a total estimated business turnover of about 3.5 billion euros

Another opinion, concerning the propensity to spend the Italians, is the Codacons, which, like every year, warns consumers and provides useful advice for a safe purchase, because Codacons argues that sales in the region will not take off, a statement that follows from the badysis of the results of the usual monitoring of the propensity of consumption expenditure during the sales period. "There is also a general mistrust in the Emilia Romagna region of families that will affect the propensity to buy – explains the badociation – We expect good participation in the shopping streets and shopping centers in the early days sales, but long-term sales will disappoint traders' expectations, although this year the average percentage of discount will be higher than in 2017 ". "Now, sales – explains President Carlo Rienzi – are no longer an expected date for families and have completely lost their value: today, consumers, thanks to electronic commerce, can find discounted items throughout the year, and to buy them, they do not even have to leave the house, just a click on the PC or the smartphone.For this reason, the end cuts in season no longer have any attraction for the citizens and should be completely abolished. "

Here are the tips of Codacons for secure purchases during sales:

1 Keep always the receipt: it is not true that the clothes on sale can not be changed. The merchant is obliged to replace the defective item even if he states that the items for sale can not be changed. If the change is not possible, eg. because the product is finished, you are entitled to the return of money (not a good one). You have two months, not seven or eight days, to report the defect.

2 The sales must be made at the end of the season: the goods put up for sale under the heading "Balance" must be: "surplus of that of the season which ends and not of warehouse funds. Stay away from those stores that had half-empty shelves just before sales, and then magically filled with the most varied items. It is unlikely, not to say impossible, that at the end of the season the store will be provided, for every type of product, of all sizes and colors.

3 Tours. In the days preceding the sales, go to the stores to find what interests you, by marking the price; you can thus check the effectiveness of the reduction applied and you go without fail, avoiding unnecessary queues. Never stop at the first store that offers discounts, but compare prices with those exhibited in other exercises. Avoid eating your hands. Sometimes just a few more tricks to avoid the wrong purchase or find lower prices.

4 Tips for shopping. Try to have clear ideas about the expenses to be made before entering the store: you will be less influenced by the shopkeeper and you will run less risk of returning home, maybe even at a good price but you do not need it and you will never use it. Evaluate the quality of the article by looking at the label that describes the composition of the garment (natural fibers for example cost more than synthetic). Paying a high price does not mean buying a quality product. Beware of marks that are very similar to the ones you know

5 Beware of discounts of more than 50%, they often hide cheap goods or false prices (l & # 39; old price is inflated to increase the discount and encourage more to buy). A merchant, except in Haute Couture, can not, indeed, have such a balance and must sell at a price lower than the cost price

6 Serve preferably in trusted stores or buy goods of which you already know the price or the price quality in order to be able to evaluate freely and with convenience the convenience of the purchase.

7 Stores and shop windows. Not purchased in stores that do not display the map showing the old price, the new and the percentage of the discount applied. The prize must also be clearly and clearly legible. Check that among the goods for sale there are no new ones at a high price. Products for sale must be clearly separated from the "new". Be wary of the windows covered with posters that do not allow you to see the goods.

8 Leadership test: there is no obligation. This is left to the merchant's discretion. The advice is to be wary of clothes that can only be looked at.

9 Payments. In stores that display the credit or debit card, the merchant is required to accept these forms of payment also for balances at no additional charge.

10 Fregature. If you think you have taken a scam, please contact the Codacons or call the traffic police.

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