Politics – Richetti on tour to rebuild the Democratic Party: "Zingaretti wrong, we can not go back to FGci" | Italy


  Matteo Richetti

Matteo Richetti

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Rome – Put one morning at the same table Matteo Richetti, Giancarlo Giorgetti and Carlo Calenda and thirty or so exhibitors from the world of business and finance. Closed discussion, in camera, stage of the tour listening that the former spokesman of Pd did for Italy, from Bari to Turin, under the brand of "Harambee!", The badociation he founded. There are among others the president of Legacoop Mauro Lusetti, the number one banks Cisl Giulio Romani. We are talking about business credit, but also the decree of dignity, opposed by Richetti and Calenda. It is defended with little conviction by Giorgetti, considering also the type of audience.

"It's an answer that the M5S wanted and had to give to the 33% who voted for it," if the under-secretary of the Northern League heard. Calenda urges: "In Parliament, you must put a patch you have a culture of government, the non grillini". Richetti listens and directs the dances, with Giorgetti there is a mutual relation of esteem, "the most authoritarian among our adversaries with whom it is useful to have a dialogue"; he defines it. With the former Minister of Development, it is possible to go a long way in rebuilding the Democratic Party. "His approach is about the transformation and the opening of the party is totally centered," explains Richetti.

"In these months after March 4, the Democratic Party has completely returned to itself he no longer speaks to anyone, postpones all decisions for fear of not being able to govern this pbadage. From this stage, in reference to the postponement, with a Democratic Party that rolls like a hamster, we risk to arrive at the dissolution of the Europeans. He strives to do exactly the opposite: "For me, the 4th of March has ended the next day, now we have a great opportunity to open new people to the company. But those who come to a circle hear people say "let's see," "wait for the next badembly." So you're not going anywhere. "On the other hand, the senator of Modena does not want to waste time."

" I am a candidate for the primaries? The discussion is not about the names I'm on the ground and more than if I was a primary candidate. "In ticket with Calenda? "I am interested in teaming up with him, he wants to flood the base we are talking about and it is a fundamental goal." Su Nicola Zingaretti already on the ground, has quite clear ideas: "I'm afraid you wanted to come back, put the last four years in brackets to return to the FGci at the time of D & # 39; Alema and Bersani "is not beautiful perspective." The criticism of the governor of Lazio on the center-left future: "The problems are not solved by handing all together, re-proposing coalitions on the model of the Union, the aftermath of the last twenty years".

Richetti repeats with his interlocutors his reading: "We have not lost because the left has stopped doing the left, so it is too hasty. The relationship with the country did not jump as much for the political choices as for the bad attitudes that we had: the slips, the closing inside the building, the distance of the people ". The case of migrants is one of the ruins of Richetti: "I was in the region of Foggia, where is a shantytown with 20,000 immigrants who have already been denied the right to asylum in as refugees. They live in inhuman conditions, they work in the fields at 5 euros per day. The Democratic Party can not continue to deny that there is trafficking in human beings, and the effect that these slums create among the citizens. Minniti did a great job, Salvini uses these phenomena to trigger hatred, but there is a problem of non-integration. And we can not deny it. "

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