Bologna, Glovo restores pulled runner – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – BOLOGNA, JULY 4 – "I am pleased to announce that
Andrea has been reinstated by Glovo and can come back to do the
rider. That was his wish and I'm glad he was successful
to succeed. Glovo must signal that the deactivation
account was not due to discriminatory reasons
trade union activity. "The Commissioner of
Municipality of Bologna Marco Lombardo, after the news of the
ciclofattorino 50enne shot after joining Uil.
The union confirmed that it had received from Glovo
"The municipality – continues the Commissioner – has tried to engage
to resolve the dispute, in accordance with the Charter of
Bologna that, as this story shows (besides the
renegotiation of all current rider contracts
signature platforms), it's much more than an exercise in
style and remains the only concrete measure for workers. J & # 39; hope
that Glovo wants to reconsider its position with regard to
signature of the Charter "


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