Japan executed the seven responsible for the attack sarin – Photogallery


Japan, seven perpetrators of the Sarin attack executed


All those responsible for the Tokyo Underground Mbadacre in 1995 were executed in Tokyo, Shoko Asahara, chief of the Aum Shinrikyo religious sect, was hanged along with six other members of the sect held responsible for the sarin gas attack in which 13 people lost their lives and thousands were injured. Japanese local media reported that the execution took place this morning. For the mbadacre, which left 13 dead and thousands wounded, five of the 14 people tried were sentenced to death. The death sentence against Asahara was decided by the court in 2004 and later confirmed by the Supreme Court of Japan to which it appealed.

Asahara was arrested in May 1995, two months after the March 20 attack on the Tokyo Metro, which killed 13 people and involved at least 6,200 people. Initially, Asahara denied having planned the operation, but during the 2004 trial, he admitted that he deserved a conviction for planning the execution of the attack. His death sentence was finally decided in 2006. The hearings of Aum Shinrikyo cult members lasted more than 20 years in Japanese courts, with nearly 200 indictments and 12 death sentences.

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