Deferral for Dell & Utri: Former Senator Leaving Jail


The Rome Court of Supervision, accepting the lawyers' request, ordered the postponement of the conviction of the former Forza Italia senator, Marcello Dell-Utri, detained for a final seven-year sentence to a contest in the mafia badociation. The provision would have been pbaded for the health problems that Dell's Utri suffers. The politician, therefore, will leave the prison to go home. He will return to his cell when his condition improves. The former interpreter of Forza Italia is currently detained at the Rebibbia Roman Prison where he is serving a 7-year sentence of imprisonment for external competition in the Mafia Association

The politician has a prostatic tumor
The court had dismissed the release from prison despite the same prosecutors' counsel who had expressed the incompatibility between the Dell & Utri's health conditions and his inmate status. The former parliamentarian, cardiopathic and diabetic, was diagnosed last July with prostate cancer. At an extraordinary hearing, held on February 2, defenders of the former parliamentarian, lawyers Alessandro De Federicis and Simona Filippi explained that " the guarantor of the prisoners argues that both the prison and the protected structures are inadequate for the care that Dell's Utri needs. "

" Could Escape "
Accused of clan relations up to # 39; in 1992, Dell & # 39; Utri was found guilty definitively in 2014. After the verdict, he escaped to Lebanon. A lightning bolt has ended with the arrest in Beirut. In February, the defense court had said no to release motivating the decision with the possibility of escape from the politician

Sentenced for bargaining
After this statement, Dell 'Utri had was sentenced again for the state-Mafia negotiation: the politician was inflicted 12 years. A few days ago, former Deputy Secretary of Health Davide Faraone was in prison by the former senator: "His state of health – he had commented – should be evaluated with humanity ".

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