Income from inclusion: the decree allocating the allocated resources was published


It becomes official and operational, with the publication in the Official Journal, the decree with which the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies has arranged the allocation of resources allocated to the Poverty Alleviation Fund. These are the credits to be transferred to the territories for the provision of income inclusion and extraordinary measures to support the homeless and new mothers only.

The decree by which the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies provides for the allocation of resources allocated to the National Fund for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion has been published in the Official Journal: these are the resources to transfer resources to the territories to strengthen social inclusion services.

Breakdown of Amounts Allocated

The resources allocated are equal to:

– 297 million in 2018,

– 347 million in 2019,

– 470 million in 2020

to be used on the basis of the provisions of the Plan of interventions and social services to fight against poverty approved on March 22 by the Network of social protection and social inclusion. The disbursement will be made following the evaluation of the Regional Poverty Reduction Plans which, in accordance with the National Plan, identify the specific needs of the territories.

Use of allocated funds

The Plan identifies the development of interventions. and services necessary for the implementation of income as an essential level of services to be guaranteed throughout the national territory. In addition:

– 20 million euros for each year are earmarked for the financing of interventions and services for people living in extreme poverty and homelessness . The allocation of these sums can not access territorial areas in which the resident population is less than 70 000 units, except in a municipality with at least 30 000 inhabitants,

– an additional 5 million to finance innovative interventions intended for neo adults who live apart from their original family on the basis of a provision of the judicial authority, to prevent poverty and allow to complete the path from Growth to Autonomy

By the Editorial Staff

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