Mattarella "takes time" but the meeting will take place


There is every tactical game, made of informal contacts and less inflammatory statements, around the meeting Salvini asked Mattarella, brutally before, with more grace then. The key to reading, as always with this Quirinale, is time, according to the method already applied in the post-infinite vote. And that eventually led to the birth of the yellow-green government, after consultations that gave a lot to the temper tantrums, work and irritability of the two winners.

We anticipate how this story will end. Eventually, the meeting will take place, but not immediately. And in forms and ways that, precisely, time will help to define. The request (of the meeting) came a few days ago when Giancarlo Giorgetti called Daniele Cabras, the Quirinal councilor who stayed in Rome while the president was busy abroad. The answer will come, but not immediately: the president has just returned to Rome, will make his phone calls, put his head on the record, will try to understand what Salvini really expects from the interview, beyond polite attention, on a last sentence of the cbadation. And how will this happen in the next few days. There is no hurry. In this attitude, the institutional short-circuit of a minister of the Interior weighs, not negligible, which led, in the violent reaction after the condemnation, to the populist rupture at the heart of the law, in the unlimited claim to drag the Quirinal, guarantor of the balance of power, in a crusade against the judiciary. Knowing that Mattarella, on the subject, can not do anything because it would be crazy to think that a head of state can breathe a single sigh on a last sentence of the judiciary

Here, if the leader of the League had continued on this bad luck, exposing the magistracy to a controversial fire, it would be difficult to find an audience at Colle. It is impossible for a head of state to be drawn into this infernal propaganda machine, as this seems to be his involvement in a conflict with another state power. And it's not a coincidence, in this tactical game around the meeting, that Salvini himself cleverly corrected the shot, returning to softer advice: "I ask – he said today – and then respectfully wait for the fixing of a date to talk about the many beautiful things we do. "

The idea that the usual visitors to the hill have made is that, in the l & # 39; together, Salvini's position is a little worn, in the sense that before Bonafede, Di Maio said that it is not the position of the government and even the President of the House invoked "respect" for judgments of the judiciary.This means, and this is not a detail, that on these badumptions it is even difficult to envisage an ad hoc legislative intervention, which allows the League, according to the formula widely used at that time, "the full exercise of its political rights." Idea that had also circulated in the crowd a few hours after the sentence

In short, the weather along the hill helps, so to speak, to sterilize the meeting. And to make it acceptable while avoiding, at the same time, the harshness of a fight with the Minister of the Interior. It is sufficient for Salvini to amend the register with regard to the claim to entrust the president with the role of cbadation of the Supreme Court to obtain a hearing. For the series: how can the head of state refuse, if it arises as a general reflection on democracy and on the initiatives to be taken to better protect the confrontation between the parties? This is the method of Mattarella, very different from that of his predecessors, made of decantations, as the main way to eliminate conflicts and silences, even in the face of the roar of a policy that exceeds the practices established and institutional grammar. Many remember that on several occasions, when Silvio Berlusconi exceeded the limit, in his twenty-year war with the judiciary, which often happened, the Quirinale was necessarily obliged to defend the principles of the rule of law, publicly stigmatizing displaced words. And without creating deadlock situations

We are now faced with another approach, cautious and taciturn, in the radical times of the words of behavior and simplification of perception. Because, up to here, the measure will be whether the leader of the league was received or not, or whether he had won or not. And among the advisers of the Quirinal, the question is: "What will Salvini do and say after the interview with Mattarella, in which he will only receive benevolent attention, close the affair or revive-t- he, denouncing that the cry of pain has remained inaudible, it also takes time to understand that.

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