Region: the government rejects about twenty Sicilian financial rules


Region: the government rejects some twenty rules of the Sicilian budget

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The Council of Ministers holds, among others, those who allowed the badumptions in the participants, the internal promotions, the early retirement, the contributions of Pac. Contrary to national laws, the M5 claim the resignation of Armao and attack: "Only Musumeci succeeds in doing worse than Crocetta"

Tags: Regie, Boccia Government, Financial Rules Siciliana, Musumeci, Armao, M5s

"The Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Erika Stefani, examined eight laws of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces and therefore decided to contest …"

Declaration published by the CDM chaired by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, announcing that he had published about twenty rules of the law of finance pbaded by the Ars last April because contrary to national laws.

Among these, the main concerns of the beneficiary companies, starting with the stabilization of the basin of about 3,000 pips, the internal promotions, the anticipated retirement of the regional, the organic endowment of the 39 Irfis and rainfall contributions to the review of the funds of the Pact and Cohesion (CAP). But also the new concessions for wind farms and the maritime domain.

Article 26 which provides for the stabilization of precarious workers of local self-government is not removed

Subject to the budget of the Sicilian region also

"The Financial System Held Good" commented on the Vice President of the Region and ssessore all 'Economia Gaetano Armao.

Of another opinion the representation of the M5 all 'Ars, who, having learned cuts, spoke of "Government of amateurs" and called to the resignation from Armao.

The attack of the mother-house grillina all Ars Valentina Zafarana and the vice-president of the Assembly Giancarlo Cancelleri, member of the Committee from the budget, is directed: "Here it is fine did the masterpiece signed Musumeci-Armao".

"When we said – they pointed out – both at committee and in the hearing room that the financial corporation was filled with gross errors that would certainly have been disputed, we "We have said with good reason that in the recent past have created the disasters we know well, so Sicily is doomed."

"Solo Musumeci – they concluded – he is succeed in making worse of Crocetta "

Article published on July 7, 2018 – © PRIVATE REPRODUCTION [19659026] Please allow JavaScript to view comments powered by Disqus.
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