Scared for Bocelli, thieves enter his villa. Tenor, wife and children awake by cries


The VIP villas in the thieves' sights: after what happened to Celentano, this time the night of fear is touched Andrea Bocelli who suffered the raid of a couple of thieves in his villa at Forte dei Marmi (Lucca). The tenor and the family were at home and awakened by the excited cries of the night watchmen who, fortunately, managed to thwart the blow that the two criminals wanted to mark, and who knows at what price …

They try to hit the villa by Andrea Bocelli

Thus, the one who just pbaded was a night of fear and tension for the tenor and his family, awakened in their sleep by the cries of the vigilante, alerted by the agitation of two bandits who managed to force the front door of Bocelli's villa, on the waterfront at Victoria Apuana, but almost immediately blocked, once penetrated inside the park where they were surprised by the vigils. Of course, there were moments of panic, especially when, once caught, the two thieves engaged in a violent fight with one of the security guards who was on duty to watch the tenor's house. On the incident investigate the police who also takes into account the hypothesis of a theft, not just that of theft.

The tenor, his wife and 3 children woke up screaming in the middle of the night

The criminals threw the guard on the ground, but in the end they chose not to rage, preferring to be safe. escape, thanks to the chaos created in the immediacy of events with the alarm system immediately activated. With great speed – as reported The Nazione – they climbed the fence and left. The screams awoke the whole family of the singer: indeed, there was his wife Veronica Berti and the three children. An alarm clock in the middle of the night full of panic and even astonishment, for an episode that had never occurred at Bocelli. The illustrious presence of the singer in Forte dei Marmi is now part of the daily life of a country populated by VIPs and foreign tourists, especially Russian, for the summer season. Among other things, last night Bocelli played at the Puccini Festival of Torre del Lago (Lucca), with a show that opened the show pucciniana on the shore of the lake Mbadaciuccoli . Among the guests in the stands to applaud the triumphal concert, Al Bano.

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