Giorgia Meloni criticizes the initiative of the red T-shirts launched by Libera


On July 7, 2018, thousands of participants in the initiative launched by Libera [VIDEO] to "stop the bleeding of humanity" and reiterate solidarity with migrant children dead at sea To wear the famous red t-shirt many "netizens" were introduced, famous characters and flash mobs appeared in different cities. Even the controversy, however, did not wait. In particular Giorgia Meloni leader of the Brothers of Italy, has indeed criticized the "radical chic" who "pontificates" migrants while living a life more than comfortable, then relaunched with the proposal to wear blue shirts as a sign of solidarity with the Italians in poverty

Meloni: "Rolex and loft I miss in New York"

"I have the red jersey, now I only miss a rolex and an attic in New York and I can also pontificate about immigration as the radical chic". These are the words that published Meloni on social with a photo that shows him the logo of this day's shirt. The Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini who after saying in the morning of "not having found a red t-shirt to show" [VIDEO] ironized this afternoon, he preferred to wear a shirt with the inscription "prohibition to turn left", putting aside the photos of Roberto Saviano and Laura Boldrini

Still through Facebook and Twitter profiles, the leader of FdI launched a counter-appeal [19659003] which provides for the wearing of a blue shirt to not forget the 5 million citizens in poverty who live in Italy.

In the short video published, back to the attack: "I have a lot of red shirts, but the rolex and the penthouse in New York I miss, so I do not start pontificating on the As "chic radicals", he refers to Laura Boldrini Gad Lerner Roberto Saviano and other well-known personalities who joined the campaign to ask for more welcome. & # 39; & # 39; What I want to do – continues Meloni – wears a blue shirt, and asks you to do so, in solidarity with these 5 million Italians living under the poverty line, because this 39; is they we ask to take care of the Italian state. "Provocative but clear sentences about Giorgia Meloni's intentions to want to continue in the traditional battles that have distinguished him in recent years.

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