"No left turns"


"Stop the haemorrhage of humanity" is the initiative that invited, Saturday, July 7, the wearing of a red t-shirt in memory of migrant children drowned in sea, because "putting oneself in the place of others is the first step A more just world"

Anpi, Libera, Arci, Lagambiente and the Adelaide Aglietta badociation have launched a call to mobilize against the migration policies of the Government

Politicians, intellectuals and characters from the world of entertainment Among them, also the deputy and former President of the House Laura Boldrini and the writer Roberto Saviano

These were the subject of Matteo Salvini's mockery, and the interior minister, already on July 7, had been sarcastic about this initiative, saying among other things that "unfortunately" did not been able to find a red shirt.

On his Facebook profile, the Lega's leader targeted Saviano and Boldrini with a collage, in which both appear with the red t-shirt next to Salvini himself, who however wears a very different tenor t-shirt, with the inscription "Prohibition" turn to the left ",

" To the claims that insult me ​​I say: the Italians chose and I stay with them, make a reason! ", the legend with a smiling face under the

Saviano and Boldrini are two of the characters with whom Salvini has faced more harshly in recent days

The former President of the House, in an exclusive interview with TPI on Saturday 7 July, said: "Salvini: a tyrant, indeg not anti-Italian, it is believed to be strong but no one pays attention. I hope that what he gives to so many children will not happen in his hands. "

Salvini, from his Facebook profile, had already responded to Boldrini by writing:" Their insults and their threats have only one effect, that of giving me more strength.

With Saviano, however, the Home Secretary began a violent controversy a few weeks ago, questioning the opportunity to renew the escort to the writer.

"Living under escort is a tragedy and Italy is the western country with more journalists under surveillance because it has the most powerful and dangerous criminal organizations in the world," replied the author [Saviano had uttered very harsh words against the "Minister of Hell", as he himself puts it by quoting Salvemini: "The words weigh, and the words of the Minister of Malavita, elected in Rosarno (in Calabria) with the voices of those who die for "ndrangheta," are Mafia words f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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