Violence in Forteto, released (for the moment) Rodolfo Fiesoli: The sentence of cassation is not final


Not entirely definitive and therefore the accused Rodolfo Fiesoli, 77 years old, the founding guru of the Il Forteto community for underprivileged miners in Vicchio del Mugello, in the province of Florence, center From a history of abuse and badual violence was released from prison. The verdict of the Court of Cbadation of 22 December 2017, which also sentenced him to a residual sentence of 14 years, 8 months and 17 days (more than 15 years and 10 months), should not be considered final : there are cancellations of Fiesoli always a defendant and so he can wait for future judgments. But the decision – of the code of procedure – triggered the reactions of political personalities of all kinds: Fi, Fdi, M5s and Pd . Some ask for an investigative commission, who remembers that instead, for the victims, it is a fine and never anyone who claims to "know it in freedom and freedom." shame". The decision is from July 5 and was taken by Section I on an appeal by the defenders, lawyers Oliviero Mazza and Lorenzo Zilletti. Appeal discussed and dismissed in the court of appeal in January, then almost forgotten by public opinion, brought before the Supreme Court which, four days ago, decided indeed

"Of the content of the decision, of which I am now Note the reasons – say the defenders – is easily debatable as was fully accepted the defense thesis on the impossibility of to execute a sentence that does not have the characters of certainty and irrevocability It must be remembered, in fact, that the Fiesoli trial is not yet concluded because it will have to celebrate a judgment of adjournment following certain cancellations pronounced by the Supreme Court on December 22, 2017 ". Cancellations with a reference regarding a case of badual violence against a youth (it is to be determined whether it was a simple group violence) and others for the lack of motivation of the Court of Appeal Judge regarding the determination of punishment on all charges other than the basic penalty. The Public Ministry notified the revocation of imprisonment in Fiesoli on 6 July. Now, the "guru", who by the adept called himself "prophet", and who was for six and a half months (December 23, 2017) in Sollicciano prison, Florence, is in a secret place. Al Forteto has not returned since 2011, when he was arrested, he was in a house in Pelago (Florence).

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