Turin, 38, threatens with a gun to shoot a black man in the street


A hand armed with a pistol taken out of a car window. Then the car that stops in the middle of the road and a man who leaves the vehicle and continues on foot his ordinary madness path aiming at the weapon against a black man and threatening him . These are the images that were immortalized by a resident of Barriera di Milano district of Turin, and published on Facebook. "And here we came to arms, there are 10 minutes between bald and spontaneously, I added that during the shooting we called the police!", Comments the user.

" Come here, I'll kill you like dogs ," shouts the Italian after getting out of the car, as seen in the video. In the pictures, the victim of the attack was never found, but according to witnesses, it would be a black man. At the end of the recording, an African boy approaches him and talks to him calmly, before the man comes back in the car.

The police managed to trace the protagonist of the gesture, it is a 38 years and denounce him for threats and wearing of objects for offend . The gun was compressed air. On the social network, someone commented: "He will probably have had it with a drug dealer."

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