Nicaragua, clergy report government repressions. And the army attacks the cardinal


Nicaragua rocked by violence also intervenes in the Catholic Church to denounce the attacks by the soldiers of the government of Daniel Ortega against the civilian population. And the level of tension increased to the point that the cardinal Leopoldo Brenes archbishop of Managua, his auxiliary, monseigneur Josè Silvio Bàez and the apostolic nuncio, monsignor Waldemar Stanisaw Sommertag was attacked by a group of soldiers while they were trying to bring help and comfort to the 12 refugees in St. Bartholomew's Church, besieged for days.

The three bishops were torn apart and insulted. Bishop Bàez, as he himself announced on Twitter, was wounded in the arm and the chest cross was torn off. A cell phone was stolen from a priest who was accompanying the bishops. The bishops had gone to Diriamba with a minibus, as they had done a few weeks ago to help the inhabitants of the town of Masaya

Other representatives of the clergy raised their voice against the climate of terror that reigns in the country. The priest Erick Diaz parish priest of a town located 164 kilometers north of Managua, denounced that the house of the local leader of the "Movement April 19", promoter of the protest against Ortega, would be given to the flames of the "combined forces" of the executive, formed by the police and pro-government paramilitaries, during an attack this morning (local time) in the Matagalpa department. Just "Movimento 19 aprile" of Rancho Grande, municipality of Matagalpa department, reported the death of young Dixon Barrera, whose body was found thrown into a river with a bullet in his chest, while "combined forces" were in the city.

But this is only one of the episodes of death and violence that has shaken Nicaragua relentlessly for three months now. According to human rights organizations, at least 14 people, including civilians and government forces, died yesterday due to a violent incursion by riot police and pro-government paramilitaries in Diriamba and Jinotepe. in the south-west of the country. The budget announced so far has left over 300 dead and at least two thousand wounded since April 18, when the rally broke out with demonstrations against Ortega's social security reform.

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